Technical Services Laboratory

About Technical Services

The mission of Technical Services is to provide quality analytical data in a safe, timely, and efficient manner for the Consumer and Industry Services division of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

The Technical Services Laboratory is housed at the Ellington Agricultural Center and provides analytical services for the Division of Consumer and Industry Services (CIS).  Samples analyzed by the laboratory are collected by inspectors following standard chain-of-custody policies.  Results are reported to CIS program administrators as a part of the inspection process.

Technical Services comprises five analytical sections:  Feed, Fertilizer, Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, and Environmental Monitoring.  A sixth section, Chemical Support, maintains the state-of-the-art instrumentation with which the laboratory is equipped.  Sample types analyzed by the laboratory include animal feed, pet food, human food, fertilizer, antifreeze, hemp, soil, water, and vegetation.  Analytes include foodborne pathogens, toxins of biological origin, pesticides, nutrients, heavy metals, and cannabinoids.

The operations of Technical Services are managed by a quality system accredited under ISO/IEC 17025  Additionally, Technical Services participates in cooperative agreement programs with the FDA as part of a national food safety network for manufactured and animal foods.  To meet the requirements of the USDA Interim Final Rule for hemp, the laboratory is in the process of registering with the DEA.  All requirements are expected to be accomplished by the end of this calendar year.


Contact Us | Email: | Phone: (615) 313-4986

Mailing Address: Technical Services Laboratory, Ellington Agricultural Center, P.O. Box 40627, Nashville, TN 37204

Shipping Address: Technical Services Laboratory, Ellington Agricultural Center, 436 Hogan Road, Nashville, TN 37220