Educational Requirement

Approved applicants are required to have a current eligible master certification at time of reimbursement – not at time of application – to be considered for cost share reimbursement.

Eligible courses are determined by program.
Certificate must be completed by the approved applicant.
Certificates completed 2021 or after will be accepted.

2024-2025 Eligible Master Courses by TAEP Program

Master Certification

The University of Tennessee offers several educational programs for the agricultural industry. These programs are designed to provide hands-on experience in current management practices that are important to the profitability and sustainability of the industry.

Contact your local UT/TSU Extension office to inquire about educational course offerings.

• University of Tennessee |
• Tennessee State University |

Master Recertification

The following chart indicates master producer certificate eligibility by TAEP program year. Recertification is required if certificate was issued prior to 2021. If you are unsure when you earned your master course certification, please contact your local UT/TSU Extension Agent for assistance.

TAEP Program Year Master Certificate Eligibility
2024-2025 Issued January 1, 2021 or after
2025-2026 Issued January 1, 2022 or after
2026-2027 Issued January 1, 2023 or after
2027-2028 Issued January 1, 2024 or after
2028-2029 Issued January 1, 2025 or after

Approved applicants are required to have a current eligible master certification or special requirement equivalent for Producer Diversification at time of reimbursement – not at time of application – to be considered for cost share reimbursement.

Eligible courses are determined by approved sector.
Special requirements/master certification must be completed by the approved applicant.
Special requirements/master certification completed 2021 or after will be accepted.

2024-2025 Special Requirements List

This list features eligible courses and events from 2021-2025 for the Agritourism (Agri-T), Fruit & Vegetable (F&V), and Value-Added Products (VAP) sectors. Eligible master certifications are not included in this list. The list will be updated as new eligible courses become available.

2024-2025 Eligible Master Courses by TAEP Program

Special Requirements

Producer Diversification special requirements focus on education and include conferences, courses, events, master courses, workshops, and specific certifications. Attendance/certification is verified and the registered name must match the approved applicant to be eligible for 50% cost share.

Sector Special Requirement
Agritourism Option #1: Agritourism educational courses (2) – applicant must attend two eligible events
Option #2: UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Fruit & Vegetable Option #1: Fruit & Vegetable educational courses (2) – applicant must attend two eligible events
Option #2: UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Option #3: GAP certification – applicant must provide certificate and current letter of compliance of time of reimbursement
Honey Bee UT Master Beekeeping (preferred), UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Horticulture UT Master Nursery Producer (preferred), UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Organic USDA Organic certification and current letter of compliance
Value-Added Option #1: Value-Added educational courses (2) – applicant must attend two eligible events
Option #2: UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy

How to register for special requirement courses?

The University of Tennessee Institute for Agriculture’s Center for Profitable Agriculture (CPA) administers most of the courses offered. Visit and click on workshops under the educational events tab.

Cornell University offer GAPs Online Produce Safety Training course. Visit for more information.

The Pick Tennessee Conference is an annual agricultural event providing educational and networking opportunities for producers from across Tennessee. will be held February 13-15, 2025 at the Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin, TN. Registration opens in December 2024. Visit for more information.

Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Workshops are held yearly. Visit for more information.

Contact your local UT/TSU Extension office to inquire about master certification courses (UT Master Beekeeping, UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, UT Master Nursery Producer, or TSU New Farmer Academy) offerings. Visit or

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure courses are eligible for TAEP special requirements.

Email for additional information.

The following table offers a quick overview of eligible educational requirements by program. Please note educational requirements are considered current if issued in 2021 or after for the 2024-2025 TAEP program cycle. GAP certification and USDA Organic certification require a certificate and current letter of compliance at time of reimbursement.

Educational Requirement Options Program
GAP Certification* Producer Diversification – Fruit & Vegetable
Master Beef Genetics, Hay Equipment, Hay Storage, Herd Health, Livestock Equipment, Livestock Solutions, Working Structures & Fence-line Systems
Master Beekeeping Producer Diversification – Honey Bee
Master Commercial Poultry Poultry Grower
Master Dairy Dairy Solutions
Master Farm Manager Genetics, Dairy Solutions, Hay Equipment, Hay Storage, Herd Health, Livestock Equipment, Livestock Solutions, Poultry Grower, Producer Diversification, Row Crop Solutions, Swine Producer, Working Structures & Fence-line Systems
Master Farm Family Health & Wellness Genetics, Dairy Solutions, Hay Equipment, Hay Storage, Herd Health, Livestock Equipment, Livestock Solutions, Poultry Grower, Producer Diversification, Row Crop Solutions, Swine Producer, Working Structures & Fence-line Systems
Master Nursery Producer Producer Diversification - Horticulture
Master Row Crop Row Crop Solutions
Master Small Ruminant Genetics, Hay Equipment, Hay Storage, Herd Health, Livestock Equipment, Livestock Solutions, Working Structures & Fence-line Systems
USDA Organic Certification* Producer Diversification - Organic
UT Farming Fundamentals Beginning Farmer Option
TAEP Producer Diversification Special Requirements List Producer Diversification – course eligibility varies by sector
TSU New Farmer Academy Beginning Farmer Option, Producer Diversification
*Applicant must provide certificate and current letter of compliance.