Huber Trees for Tennessee
What is the Trees for Tennessee Seedling Program?

The Huber Engineered Woods LLC (HEW) Trees for Tennessee seedling program is an initiative aimed at increasing artificial pine regeneration on recently harvested land or any typical land conversion, such as a fallow field, into a forested state. The program is funded by HEW and administered by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry (TDF). The annual goal of the program is to provide an avenue for the establishment of up to one million pine seedlings throughout the greater Tennessee Valley and Cumberland Plateau. The seedlings are grown at the Division of Forestry's East TN Nursery in Delano, Tennessee. Qualifying family forest owners receive the seedlings at no cost.
What is Huber Engineered Woods LLC?
Huber Engineered Woods LLC continually strives to create innovative products that suit customers' needs. Specialty products AdvanTech® flooring and sheathing, AdvanTech™ subfloor adhesive, ZIP System® wall and ZIP System® roof products, ZIP System™ tape and ZIP System™ stretch tape each deliver outstanding performance, easy installation and great strength in single-family, multi-family and light commercial projects.
Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Huber Engineered Woods has manufacturing operations in Maine, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee and Oklahoma, as well as research and development facilities in Georgia. Huber Engineered Woods also serves industrial markets with products for door manufacturers and the transportation industry.
Tennessee Division of Forestry
Forest Resource Management - The Forest Resource Management Unit promotes and advances sustainable forest management on non-industrial private forestlands for the multiple uses and benefits provided by forested landscapes.
Forest Businesses - The Forest Businesses Unit provides assistance to businesses and landowners to extend forest resource utilization, facilitate the marketing of timber and wood products, and promote a healthy and viable forest for all citizens of Tennessee.
Reforestation - The Reforestation Unit provides quality, affordable tree seedlings to Tennessee landowners and optimizes genetic improvements of tree seedlings to increase the productivity of the state's forest resource.
How do I Qualify for the Program?
- The landowner must have a written reforestation prescription plan developed by a qualified forester. The plan must be submitted and approved by a TDF Area Forester.
- The planting area has to be at least twenty (20) acres and no more than seventy-five (75) acres. Timber management must be the intended future use of the planting area.
- It is the landowners' responsibility to either pick up or arrange for delivery of the seedlings. The "Huber Seedlings" box must be checked on the Division of Forestry's seedling order form. That form must be endorsed by a TDF Area Forester.
- The seedling order form and a map of the planting site that depicts property location within the county must be submitted to the Huber Spring City Wood Procurement Department for approval.
- Tree planting must follow the management plan and can be conducted by either a professional planting crew or by the landowner. A follow up check is required by a TDF Area Forester.
- HEW LLC would like to be contacted at the time these trees are ready to be harvested.
Eligible Geographic Region of Trees for Tennessee Seedling Program

Why Artificial Regeneration?
- Artificially regenerated trees are genetically superior and thus will produce more wood volume per acre in a shorter time frame.
- Artificial regeneration provides landscape habitat diversity for wildlife. Pine plantations compose only 5% of Tennessee's forested area.
- Bare or "cut over" land takes longer to regenerate naturally.
- In order to practice sound forest stewardship, landowners have the responsibility to replenish what has been harvested.
How Can I Get Started?
Contact your local Tennessee Division of Forestry office or visit us on the web at
or call
HEW Wood Procurement Office
Spring City Mill
(423) 452-7111