John Tully State Forest

Size: 2,131 acres / 862 ha.
John Tully State Forest in Lauderdale County was purchased by the state on August 29, 2002. The land was part of a substantial tract of prime forestland and wildlife habitat acquired from the Anderson-Tully Corporation, a Memphis-based timber management and lumber company.
Anderson-Tully had owned the property since 1902 and managed it for timber production. Most of the forest was harvested extensively in the years prior to purchase by the state.
As the only State Forest representing western Tennessee's physiogeographic region, it is dominated by Mississippi River alluvial bottomland hardwoods and holds some of the state's best hunting and fishing lands.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency also provides stewardship of the forest as a wildlife management area.
Funding was provided by a joint effort of the State of Tennessee, the USDA Forest Service's Forest Legacy program, the Nature Conservancy, and various other private sources including the National Wild Turkey Federation, Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation, and Wildlife Forever, Inc.
John Tully State Forest Road Use Map
John Tully State Forest Firewood Collection Map
Shawn Posey, Area Forester
3570 Ebenezer Loop
Somerville, TN 38068
(901) 465-7349