Lewis State Forest

Size: 1,287 acres / 521 ha.
This area was purchased from the Chancery Court of Lewis County for delinquent taxes in 1933 and became a State Forest in 1936. It is on the Western Highland Rim in central-southwestern Tennessee, in Lewis County.
There are no known cultural sites on the forest. There is a demonstration forest road, exemplifying the use of best management practices and appropriate engineering specifications. Other areas have served for past research studies. A small wetland occurs in the southwestern corner of the forest.
Most of the land (97%) is in forest cover and the remainder is open land. This forest is somewhat unique in the Tennessee State Forest system in that about 15% of the forested area is in the southern yellow pine type. All timber harvests include objectives for improving habitat for wildlife.
The forest has been traditionally enjoyed for hiking and hunting.
Lewis State Forest Road Use Map
Jonathon Bledsoe, Forestry Technician
1454 Waynesboro Hwy.
Hohenwald, TN 38462
(931) 796-2721
Christy Gearhiser, Area Forester
1454 Waynesboro Hwy.
Hohenwald, TN 38462
(931) 212-9312