Child and Family Mental Health Education

NAMI Basics and Breaking the Silence

NAMI Basics and Breaking the Silence provide education regarding mental health issues and stigma.

NAMI Basics is for parents or caregivers of children with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), as well as service providers of children with SED.

NAMI Basics provides information on diagnosis and treatment. It also equips parents and caregivers with skills in communication, problem solving, and advocacy.

Requirements for NAMI Basics
Any primary caregiver of a child with SED may receive help from the NAMI Basics program, though space and funding are limited.

Breaking the Silence is for middle and high school students. Breaking the Silence puts a human face on mental illness to confront the myths that reinforce the stigma related to mental illness.

Breaking the Silence offers training and education on mental illness. Students learn the biological reasons for mental illnesses, that mental illnesses are treatable, recognize the warning signs of mental illness, and learn how to overcome the stigma that surrounds mental illness.

Requirements for Breaking the Silence
All children and youth may participate if their school requests Breaking the Silence, though space and funding are limited.

For more information on NAMI Basics and Breaking the Silence, visit the NAMI TN website.

Additional questions?
Contact Roger Stewart, NAMI TN
(800) 467-3589 (x. 304)