Title VI
The Civil Rights Act of 1964If you receive state services that are federally and/or State funded, the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Tennessee Code Annotated/T.C.A. 4-21-904 ensures your right to receive equal treatment and service opportunities regardless of your race, color, national origin, or limited English proficiency. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act specifically prohibits discrimination in programs that are federally funded, and T.C.A. 4-21-904 specifically prohibits discrimination in programs that are State funded.
Individuals receiving federal financial assistance, which can be distributed by state departments, will not face discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, beliefs or disability.
If you are required to take Title VI Training, click here to download the training.
Click here to take the quiz to test your knowledge of what you learn.
Title VI Brochures and Posters
For Title VI brochures, posters, and complaint forms in English and Spanish:
Title VI (6) Brochure (English)
Title VI (6) Brochure (Spanish)
Title VI (6) Poster (English)
Title VI (6) Poster (Spanish)
Title VI Complaint Form
If you feel you have been treated unfairly by a department-funded community behavioral health provider, based on the protections offered through Title VI of the US Civil Rights Act, you can file a formal complaint. Follow the instructions on the Title VI Complaint Form MH-5479.
Download the Spanish version.
Please note that the TDMHSAS form is for department-funded community behavioral health providers. For all other complaints, please contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission at this link.
Title VI Agency Self-Survey Monitoring Forms
Division of Mental Health Services Providers (FY24)
Division of Substance Abuse Services Providers (FY24)
Division of Mental Health Services Providers (FY23)
Division of Substance Abuse Services Providers (FY23)
Title VI Sample Forms
The .ZIP file available at this link contains several sample forms and examples which can assist provider agencies in producing the items required for compliance. The folder includes example Policies and Procedures, sample forms for investigations, Training Logs, and more.
Title VI Questions?
Contact: Gwen Hamer, TDMHSAS Title VI Compliance Officer
Email: Gwen.Hamer@tn.gov
Phone: (615) 532-6510