Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)
A pre-admission screening and resident review, commonly called a PASRR, is a comprehensive evaluation that ensures people who have been diagnosed with serious mental illness, intellectual, and/or developmental disabilities are able to live in the most independent long-term care settings while receiving recommended care and interventions to improve their quality of life. TennCare Long Term Services & Supports manages the federally mandated Pre-Admission Screening & Resident Review (PASRR) process in Tennessee. They partner with the Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS), and the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDDs) on more in-depth psycho/social Level II PASRR evaluations. All Level II PASRR evaluations for individuals seeking admission to, or currently residing in, a Medicaid-certified nursing facility within the State of Tennessee must be comprehensively assessed for short term or long term stay level of care acuity needs, financial eligibility for enrollment in CHOICES, and any specialized service behavioral health care recommendations. If an Individual is suspected of having a serious mental illness (SMI) diagnosis, intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) and/or related conditions (RC), in accordance with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA), all applicants for skilled nursing care are required to be assessed, regardless of method of payment.
The PASRR Level II person-centered assessment evaluates whether a Tennessean’s needs can best be met in a skilled nursing facility (NF) or more appropriately met out in the community with home and community-based services provided through CHOICES. If an individual's needs can be met in a skilled NF, then appropriate recommendations are made to ensure the NF can provide the required level of care. If the NF cannot meet the person’s needs and/or provide for the person’s specialized services or level of care requirements due to serious mental illness (SMI), intellectual disability (ID) or related condition (RC), then alternative types of specialized care are recommended through a summary of findings determination report that is sent to the applicant.
For consumer questions regarding medical level of care and financial eligibility, please contact the TennCare Long Term Services & Supports Help Desk at (877) 224-0219
A hospital, nursing facility, social worker, doctor, LPN, care management service provider (MCO), or Area Agency on Aging & Disability can submit a PASRR for any individual seeking admission to a Medicaid-certified nursing facility.
PASRRs in Tennessee are conducted by Maximus Clinical Services. For technical assistance submitting PASRRs, acquiring login credentials & accessing training resources, please contact the Maximus Clinical Services PASRR TN Help Desk at (833) 617-2777
The Area Agencies on Aging and Disability (AAAD) can assist applicants with enrollment in TennCare’s application process. Additionally, the AAADs serve as a resource for information and education regarding CHOICES, PASRR and other long-term services and supports.
- If you are interested in applying for CHOICES, contact your local AAAD: Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) TN Map (Use this map to view AAAD’s by County).
- Call 1-866-836-6678 from anywhere in the state to be automatically directed to your nearest Area Agency.
Current TennCare Members can contact their MCO for more information on how to apply for CHOICES or to submit a PASRR:
- BlueCare: 888-747-8955
- United Healthcare Community Plan: 800-690-1606
- Wellpoint (formerly known as Amerigroup): 833-731-2153