Consumer Advisory Board
The mission of the Consumer Advisory Board is to voice informed perspectives on policy and planning issues that impact the recovery, resiliency, and rights of persons with mental illness and substance use disorder.
Why do we have a Consumer Advisory Board?
The Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) brings together people from across the state who have lived experience of mental illness and/or substance use disorder. The CAB members share their thoughts about planning and policy issues to the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. In addition, the CAB members provide support to one another, provide education on current issues affecting behavioral health, and share information about upcoming events, trainings, and other opportunities. The Department created the CAB in 1994 to ensure that people with lived experience had a voice regarding Tennessee’s mental health system. The need for meaningful consumer input was validated in 2003, when the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health report emphasized the importance of having consumers as leaders in planning and looking over mental health service systems. The Consumer Advisory Board today reflects the Department’s integration of mental health and substance abuse and includes people with lived experience in both areas.
What are the roles of the Consumer Advisory Board?
1. To advise the director of the Office of Consumer Affairs and Peer Recovery Services by:
- Gathering information from peers statewide on topics of concern
- Providing input to TDMHSAS with a yearly report; and,
- Developing guiding papers on peer issues
2. To represent peers on the Departmental Planning and Policy Council and each of the seven regional councils by:
- Making known to the councils issues of concern to peers
- Coming up with possible solutions to any problems
- Ensuring that peers have a place and voice on the Planning Councils
Download the Consumer Advisory Board Bylaws for more information.
When does the Consumer Advisory Board Meet?
The Consumer Advisory Board usually meets on a conference call on the first Friday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. CT. The meeting is open to the public.
Meeting ID: 958 407 1632
Passcode: 110883
It is highly recommended that you attend the meeting via computer so as to assist with attendance for minutes, and so that you have access to the presentation as it is being presented.