988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

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Hope has a new number: 988

On July 16, 2022, the United States entered a new era of behavioral health with a new 3-digit number to access services: 988.  Any Tennessean can call 988 and press 0 to be routed to their local call center.  Much like 911 did for emergency services, we believe this number will become a great resource for connecting people to the right treatment at the right time in the right setting. 

988 Offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:

  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Mental health or substance use crisis, or
  • Any other kind of emotional distress

People can call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org for themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.  Call 988 and press 0 to be routed immediately to a crisis counselor.

988 Serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help.  Want to learn more about 988?  Visit 988lifeline.org.

Download our 988 onepager at this link or click the image at right.

988 Onepager

How it works:

1.       Each county is designated a Primary Call Center where all calls are routed.

2.       If the call is not answered by the Primary Call Center within a specified timeframe, each county has a Backup Call Center.

3.       If neither answers the call within a specified timeframe the call is routed to one of the National Backup Call Centers.

For Text and Chat:

We have 24/7 coverage for text and chat.  These services are provided by three crisis centers in Tennessee covering all 95 counties.  Chats/texts are identified by state and routed to the appropriate in-state providers.


How 988 Works with Tennessee's Crisis Continuum