
The Joint Annual Report is required by Title 33 to inform the Governor and General Assembly of achievements and challenges of the Department during the previous fiscal year.

The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services completes an annual assessment of need in order to prioritize programming for the most prevalent mental health and substance abuse needs in Tennessee.

The Three-Year Plan is required by Title 33 to inform the public of the Department’s goals, objectives, and strategies for the next three years.  The Plan includes prevention, early intervention, treatment service, and supports for people living with mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, and/or substance use disorders. 

As required by Title 33 (the state’s mental health and substance abuse services law) the Tennessee Department of Mental Health Services Planning and Policy Council is comprised of mental health and substance abuse service providers, stakeholders, consumers and family members, and advocates.

The Mental Health Services Block Grant is a federal grant that funds community-based mental health services to children diagnosed with serious emotional disturbance and adults living with serious mental illness.

The Consumer Advisory Board has been a voice for recovery in Tennessee since 1994. The mission of the Consumer Advisory Board is to voice an informed perspective on policy and planning issues that impacts the recovery, resiliency, and rights of persons with mental illness and substance use disorder.

Updated monthly, the Grants Finder Resource is a document that lists local, state, national, and federal government competitive grants as potential funding sources for mental health and substance abuse projects.