Fentanyl Information and Resources
Fentanyl is a man-made opioid that’s many times stronger than morphine or heroin. Because it is so strong and so addictive, it’s being added to heroin, fake prescription pills, even stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine. The result is huge increases in overdoses, and sadly, more Tennesseans than ever dying. These deaths are preventable with knowledge and tools.
READ MORE: State Departments Issue Guidance Around Fentanyl Exposure
Click this link or the image at the right to download our onepager on fentanyl.
Haz clic en este enlace para descargar nuestra página informativa sobre fentanilo en Español.
Understanding the Danger
Because fentanyl is so strong, people who make illicit (illegal) drugs use fentanyl to make their drugs cheaper and more powerful. They do not have the special equipment that spread out the chemicals evenly. Each pill or powder is not the same. It does not take a lot of fentanyl to cause an overdose, especially for someone who does not usually use opioids.

Save a Life with Naloxone
Naloxone is a medication that reverses opioid overdose so a person can breathe until EMS arrives. It comes in several forms including nasal sprays and injectable liquids. You can get naloxone from a pharmacy without a prescription. Many insurances including TennCare cover naloxone at a minimal cost.
Free online training on how to use naloxone is available at this link. If you would like more information or a naloxone training for a group/agency, reach out to the Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist (ROPS) who serves your area.

Fentanyl Test Strips
In March 2022, the Tennessee General Assembly passed legislation that allowed for the individual use of equipment that detects synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl. The most of common of these tools are fentanyl test strips. TDMHSAS added this low cost, life-saving tool to its overdose prevention program, and the results outperformed previous, comparable studies.
Fentanyl Training Videos
This brief, 15 minute video serves as an introduction to fentanyl and seeks to share facts instead of fear.
Want to learn more about Fentanyl and Xylazine? This hour-long training goes into deeper depth on the topics.
Additional Resources
Overdose Reversal Cards
This document is formatted to print 3 cards per page front and back that explain how to recognize an overdose and use naloxone to save a life.
Fentanyl Test Strip Cards
This document is formatted to print 3 cards per page front and back that explain how to use fentanyl test strips and provide essential treatment and recovery resources.
TN Department of Health Data Dashboard
This interactive tool contains state, regional, and county level data on fatal overdoses, nonfatal overdoses and drug prescribing.
TN Department of Health Overdose Facts and Figures
This page Includes released reports such as the 2021 Annual Overdose Report and the 2022 Fatal Overdose Death Report.
For More Information
If you would like to schedule a training for your organization or agency, please contact your local Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. If you do not have a coalition in your county, contact the Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist who serves your area.
To learn more about the program, please contact:
Cate Faulkner
Manager, State Opioid Response Prevention