Grants Administration
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Solid Waste Management, Materials Management Grants Administration is pleased to announce the upcoming grant funding opportunities and the summary of grant funding awarded to municipalities, counties, and non-profits throughout the State. This funding provides critical infrastructure, equipment, and education to help meet solid waste, recycling, and waste reduction goals for the 2015-2025 Solid Waste Management Plan. TDEC is dedicated to assisting the State to improve recycling and reduce waste being deposited into landfills.
The following grant will be avaible for Development Districts only and tentatively open on February 5, 2025 and will close on March, 28, 2025 at 4:30 pm CST:
The following grant(s) will be available for application tentatively on February 28, 2025, and will close on April 11, 2025, at 4:30 pm CST. The tentative contract start date will be August 1st, 2025.
The following grant(s) will be available for application tentatively on May 15, 2025, and will close on June 30, 2025, at 4:30 pm CST:
The following grant(s) will be available for application tentatively on September 4, 2025, and will close on October 15, 2025, at 4:30 pm CST:
Grants Management System
If you are interested in applying for available grants, please visit the Grants Management System.
Grants Awarded FY24
The Divison of Solid Waste Management Grants Administration Program has recently awarded over seven million dollars for the following for FY24 grants:
- 37 Recycling Equipment Grants
- 16 Convenience Center Grants
- 16 Used Automotive Fluid Recycling Grants
- 4 Recycling Rebates
- 2 Household Hazardous Waste Grants
- 9 Technical Assistance Grants
If your region, county, or municipality is interested in these upcoming opportunities, please contact your local technical assistance providers or planners to begin discussions. Please note, the dates referenced above are not established but are tentative dates of application. Please continue to access the Grants Management System (GMS) online portal for the most updated information.
Unofficial draft manuals are available on request. Be aware that these manuals are subject to edit or update until the date of the application becoming open for submission in the GMS portal.
Our deepest appreciation goes out to all of our organizations, regions, counties, and municipalities for their dedication to the preservation of our environment and the beauty of our State. We look forward to continuing to accomplish the goals of waste reduction and increased recycling across Tennessee.
Robin ChanceGrants Program Manager615-571-6364 |
Amber GreeneEnvironmental Consultant615-651-9540 |
This Page Last Updated: January 31, 2025 at 1:26 PM