Public Health Assessments and Consultations

The Tennessee Department of Health's (TDH) Environmental Epidemiology Program (EEP) is responsible for environmental public health activities that relate to chemical exposures and pollution in Tennessee. We are funded through a cooperative agreement with the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). As we interpret environmental sampling data to protect public health, we often produce written publications. The following list of environmental public health investigations links to downloadable PDF versions of our documents.
County |
Date |
Title |
Chemical |
Anderson |
04/12/2022 |
Claxton Community Park | Coal ash residuals |
Anderson |
11/12/2009 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Bedford |
09/16/2009 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Coffee |
09/04/2012 |
Coffee |
09/30/2003 |
Tetrachloroethylene |
Crockett |
01/29/2016 |
Davidson |
01/18/2018 |
Ted’s Cleaners |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
05/08/2017 |
PAHs |
Davidson |
02/01/2013 |
Benzene, Ethylbenzene |
Davidson |
09/16/2011 |
Davidson |
01/21/2009 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
09/08/2008 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
06/10/2008 |
Landfill Gas |
Davidson |
08/31/2005 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
04/04/2005 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
03/29/2005 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
01/13/2004 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Davidson |
05/20/2004 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Dickson |
04/09/2012 |
Fayette |
02/25/2011 |
Perchlorate |
Fayette |
09/20/2002 |
Lead |
Gibson |
04/02/2011 |
Gibson |
12/20/2002 |
PCBs, Lead |
Giles |
05/07/2008 |
Diesel |
Hamilton |
05/17/2023 | Southside Chattanooga Lead Site |
Lead |
Hamilton |
02/27/2014 |
Hazardous substances |
Hamilton |
05/03/2010 |
PAHs & Arsenic |
Hamilton |
11/18/2009 |
PAHs & VOCs |
Hamilton |
09/10/2009 |
PAHs & PCBs |
Hamilton |
08/07/2008 |
PAHs |
Hamilton |
08/18/2006 |
PAHs |
Hamilton |
11/09/2005 |
Tetrachloroethylene |
Hamilton |
03/29/2005 |
Petroleum hydrocarbons |
Hamilton |
07/11/2002 |
Lead |
Hamilton |
07/15/2014 |
VOCs |
Hardeman |
09/28/2007 |
Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloroform |
Hardeman |
04/16/2007 |
Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloroform |
Hardeman |
07/12/2006 |
Carbon Tetrachloride |
Henderson |
05/02/2011 |
Hickman |
05/27/2014 |
VOCs, CO, PM |
Hickman |
09/13/2004 |
Tar-like substances |
Hickman |
12/22/2003 |
Tar-like substances |
Knox |
02/01/2013 |
Knox |
10/03/2012 |
Knox |
07/26/2011 |
Metals, Ammonia |
Knox |
06/09/2008 |
Air Quality |
Knox |
03/14/2007 |
Gasoline |
Knox |
08/18/2006 |
PAHs |
Loudon |
01/09/2009 |
Lead |
Loudon |
11/09/2007 |
Arsenic, Lead |
Loudon |
04/19/2007 |
Diazinon |
Loudon |
05/12/2006 |
Air Quality |
Madison |
08/01/2007 |
Lead |
Madison |
12/18/2003 |
Methane, Hydrogen Sulfide |
Madison |
07/15/2003 |
Methane, Hydrogen Sulfide |
Marion |
05/27/2011 |
Marion |
06/06/2012 |
Marshall |
09/30/2002 |
Chloroform |
McNairy |
09/13/2002 |
PAHs, PCBs |
Polk |
04/22/2010 |
Iron |
Polk |
01/16/2004 |
Manganese |
Putnam |
08/28/2008 |
Drycleaner solvents |
Roane | 09/05/19 | coal ash, metals | |
Roane |
tbd |
Clinch River Corporation |
PAHs, SVOCs, metals, |
Roane |
03/04/2016 |
Lithium, Fluoride, Lead |
Roane |
09/07/2010 |
Metals & Particulate Matter |
Robertson |
09/19/2003 |
Pesticides, Dioxins & Furans |
Shelby |
tbd | National Fireworks NPL site |
PAHs, etc. |
Shelby |
08/08/2012 |
Shelby |
01/26/2012 |
Shelby |
tbd |
Former Custom Cleaners Update |
Drycleaner Solvent |
Shelby |
07/18/2014 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
04/22/2021 | Former Custom Cleaners | Drycleaner solvent in soil, soil gas, indoor Air |
Shelby |
05/05/2011 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
04/26/2011 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
03/18/2011 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
03/17/2011 |
Shelby |
03/18/2010 |
PCE, 1,2-DCA |
Shelby |
03/16/2010 |
Shelby |
04/15/2011 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
12/10/2009 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
12/10/2009 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
10/16/2009 |
pesticides |
Shelby |
11/07/2008 |
Pesticides |
Shelby |
09/26/2008 |
Pesticides |
Shelby |
10/14/2015 |
Benzene, PCE, TCE |
Shelby |
08/13/2008 |
Drycleaner solvents |
Shelby |
09/05/2007 |
Pesticides |
Shelby |
07/31/2006 |
Pesticides |
Shelby |
05/26/2006 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
05/08/2006 |
Chromium |
Shelby |
12/06/2004 |
Heavy Metals |
Shelby |
07/01/2004 |
Metals, Chromium |
Shelby |
02/27/2004 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
11/06/2003 |
Chromium |
Shelby |
07/17/2003 |
PCE, TCE, Arsenic, Manganese |
Shelby |
03/13/2003 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
01/02/2003 |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
09/24/2002 |
Chlordane |
Shelby |
08/18/2016 |
Shelby |
07/11/2016 |
Shelby |
07/28/2015 |
Shelby |
11/16/2020 | Mendenhall Square Shopping Center Site |
Drycleaner solvent |
Shelby |
02/09/2017 | Building 5 Warehouse - Bayer Complex |
TCE, carbon tetrachloride, benzene |
Stewart |
02/23/2005 |
Pesticides |
Sullivan |
04/18/2011 |
drycleaner solvent |
Unicoi |
09/10/2009 |
VOCs |
Van Buren |
09/13/2004 |
Radon |
Washington |
01/15/2008 |
Uranium |
White |
09/19/2003 |
Gasoline |
Williamson |
11/22/2010 |
Toluene, Acetone |
Williamson |
07/23/2009 |
Toluene, Acetone |
Williamson |
04/28/2009 |
Dry Cleaner Solvents |
Williamson |
01/08/2004 |
Lead |
statewide |
09/12/2014 |
Barium |