Building Tennessee's Tomorrow
Infrastructure Inventory Needs 2004 through 2009
All portions of the reports listed below are available in PDF format.
Building Tennessee's Tomorrow: Anticipating the State's Infrastructure Needs
- Transmittal Letter
- Acknowledgements
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Overview
- Introduction
- Reported Infrastructure Needs Statewide
- Funding the State's Infrastructure Needs
- Reported Public School Facility Conditions and Needs
- Reported Infrastructure Needs by County
- Appendices
- A. Enabling Legislation
- B. Project History
- C. Inventory Forms
- D. Reported Public Infrastructure Needs by County (Revised 2/1/08)
- E. Reported School System Infrastructure Needs by School System (Revised 2/1/08)
- F. TACIR Methodology for Estimated Costs of New Schools Attributable to the Education Improvement Act
- Glossary of Terms
- Tennessee Development District Map