Public Hunting Areas in Tennessee

There are many other public and TWRA lands that are not proclaimed as WMAs or refuges and are open to hunting, with statewide seasons, unless otherwise indicated.
This is a cooperative effort between the TWRA and landholding companies to provide public hunting with the landowner setting, collecting and administering permits, and the TWRA enforcing the rules and regulations governing these areas. Please keep reading and see below for more information on specific area rules and regulations.
Public lands are important to hunters and non-hunters alike, so all users should work to maintain a good relationship with the owners. Never litter or abuse the land.
The map below shows public lands open for hunting in Tennessee.
TWRA has established numerous PHAs. A PHA is an area not intensively managed that is established for the protection of wildlife species and public use by both consumptive and non-consumptive users. PHAs are generally small and isolated from other TWRA managed lands.
General WMA Regulations also apply to PHAs. However, WMA Permits are not required on these lands.
For information on these areas and their exact locations, search the interactive map.
Open with statewide seasons:
- Battle Creek (Marion Co.)
- Cowan Marsh (Franklin Co.)
- Oak Dain Wetland
- Mullins Island (Cocke Co.)
- Piperton Wetland
- Shady Park (Robertson Co.)
- Whites Creek (Rhea Co.)
Open with statewide seasons except archery equipment only for deer hunting:
- Anderson Pond (White Co.)
- Hampton Crossroads (White Co.)
- Long Branch (DeKalb Co.)
Open with seasons same as North Cherokee WMA:
- Big Springs (Sullivan Co.)
- Henderson Swamp (Washington Co.)
Hunting is permitted during the regular hunting season on the following lakes and adjacent state lands, except on areas posted as safety zones:
- Garrett Lake
- VFW Lake
- Whiteville Lake; On the Oak Dain Wetland portion of Whiteville Lake deer seasons follow Unit 1 dates and bag limits, including August Archery Hunt. See seasons summary.
- Coy Gaither Bedford Lake
- Laurel Hill Lake
- Carroll Lake; no big game hunting allowed on Carroll Lake and State-owned land adjacent thereto
- Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Lakes
- Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Lakes; Same as statewide regulations
Waterfowl Hunting permitted from temporary or natural blinds only on the following lakes:
- Garrett Lake; Blind and decoys must be removed daily; Boats may be used for waterfowl hunting
- Laurel Hill Lake; Boats may be used for waterfowl hunting
- Whiteville Lake; Blind and decoys must be removed daily; Boats may be used for waterfowl hunting
- Reelfoot-Indian Creek Watershed Lakes; Blind and decoys must be removed daily; Boats may be used for waterfowl hunting
Open with statewide seasons unless otherwise indicated.
The portion that is south of the railroad track is open to hunting during the statewide seasons. Wild hogs may be taken during deer season by licensed deer hunters. Deer seasons follow Unit 1 dates and bag limits, including the August G/M/A Hunt.
- Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area & Obed Wild and Scenic River Special Regulations
Not open to elk hunting. In addition to a state hunting license, a Big South Fork Permit is required to take wild hogs. For information about obtaining a wild hog permit call Big South Fork NRRA at (423) 569-9778 or the BSFNRRA Bandy Creek Visitor Center at (423) 286-7275 or
Hogs may only be taken during the deer season and the Jan.–Feb. small game season. All hogs must be taken with big game hunting devices. Chasing wild hogs with dogs is not permitted. Taking wild hogs incidental to hunting requires a permit from the National Park Service. These special regulations apply at Obed Wild and Scenic River only on the lands administered by the National Park Service.
For more information (270) 798-9824 or
Attn: Deer Hunt Information
4509 West Stone Drive
Kingsport, TN 37660
For more information (423) 578-6276
LBL Hunter use permit required.
For more information (270) 924-2000
Deer Hunt Archery only, including a crossbow. Harvested deer must be checked in at the designated check-in station at the park. Bag limit three deer, no more than one antlered. The first deer harvested must be antlerless. Antlered deer count toward the statewide bag. Hunter safety meeting required.
For more specific information call (615) 885-2422.
The State forests listed below are Operated by the Tennessee Division of Forestry and are open to hunting during statewide seasons. For information concerning locations and state forest user regulations, consult the website:
Bledsoe State Forest, Cedars of Lebanon State Forest, Franklin State Forest, Lone Mountain State Forest, Stewart State Forest Tims Ford State Park Huntable Lands
- Cedars of Lebanon State Forest and Natural Area
For more information call (615) 443-2769.
Permit required to access state natural area.
- Tims Ford State Park Huntable Lands
Permit required, available at the Park Office.
Same seasons and regulations as Owl Hollow Mill WMA
For more information call (931) 962-1183.
Contact the individual refuge for their specific seasons and regulations.
- Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge - (731) 635-7621
- Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge - (931) 232-7477 All hunters must have a Tennessee NWR/Cross Creeks NWR permit, even lifetime and sportsman license holders. Available at all TWRA license agents and
- Lower Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge - (731) 635-7621
- Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge - (731) 772-0501
- Reelfoot and Lake Isom NWRs - (731) 538-2481
- Sunk Lake Public Use Management Area (Northern Unit Only) - (731) 635-7621, Hunting is allowed in the North tract only.
- Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge - (731) 642-2091 All hunters must have Tennessee NWR/Cross Creeks NWR permit, even lifetime and Sportsman license holders. Available at all TWRA license agents and
The following State Natural Areas (SNAs) are open with the statewide season, except as noted.
For more information on these areas, see the Tennessee SNAs website
- Big Cypress SNA, coincides with Obion River WMA regulations
- Cedars of Lebanon SNA, Permit required to access state natural area. For more information call (615) 443-276.
- Duck River Complex SNA
- Elsie Quarterman Cedar Glade SNA
- Fate Sanders Barrens SNA
- Fall Creek Falls SNA
- Hampton Creek Cove SNA Only turkey, grouse, rabbit, squirrel, and deer hunting. Tree stands prohibited and archery only allowed during deer season. Hunting dogs, dog training, and motorized vehicles are prohibited.
- Ghost River SNA coincides with Wolf River WMA Unit 1 regulation for deer.
- Hicks Gap SNA
- Reelfoot SNA coincides with Reelfoot WMA regulations,
- Sunk Lane SNA Northern unit only.
- Twin Arches SNA
- Honey Creek SNA No hunting in the No Hunt Zone around Chariot Lodge
- Walker Branch SNA
- William L. Davenport Refuge SNA