Moment of Freedom Campaign

Providing a moment of freedom in the outdoors for our wheelchair bound men, women and children.

What the Moment of Freedom Campaign Provides

Tennessee has become an ideal destination for sportsmen with mobility impairments.

Many organizations have worked hard to provide wheelchair-accessible custom blinds and fishing piers on public lands and waters.  More than a dozen deer, turkey, and waterfowl blinds that include ramps and other features to make hunting from a wheelchair more convenient can be found across the state.

A number of wheelchair-accessible fishing piers and observation towers offer additional outdoor opportunities as well. 

The state’s Moment of Freedom initiative, a cooperative effort by the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency, Tennessee Wildlife Resource Foundation, Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commissio,n and other partners, is aimed at increasing these outdoor opportunities. The primary goal of the Moment of Freedom is to create new wheelchair-accessible sites every year. 

The Moment of Freedom Campaign

Moment of Freedom Music Video

Moment of Freedom Map

Find Deer/Turkey, Waterfowl, Boating, and Fishing access.