Tennessee Outdoor Youth Summit (TOYS)

What is TOYS?

Started in 2009, the Tennessee Outdoors Youth Summit is designed to be one of the best summer events a youngster could attend. Headquartered at the Clyde York 4-H Camp in Crossville, TN.  TOYS attracts high-school aged students from across the state.   

TOYS is a cooperative program shared by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and the agency’s supporting foundation (TWRF).

When is TOYS this Year?

July 14 - 19, 2019

Where can I get more information?

For additional information, contact Lacey Lane at (731) 415-0641, or email her at LLane@twrf.net.

For more information, visit TWRF Tennessee Outdoors Youth Summit (TOYS)

What does TOYS attempt to accomplish?

It teaches our youth about the outdoors. It covers topics such as fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, wildlife identification, outdoors photography, biology, firearm safety, archery, trap and skeet shooting, boating and boating safety, and so much more. Students interested in a professional career in natural resources also have the opportunity to experience outings that provide insight into actual professional management (e.g. electro-fishing, aging fish, controlled burning).

Every year TOYS offers a new adventure! Students are allowed to attend at least 10 classes during the camp and have the opportunity to choose their sessions.

Who teaches the classes at TOYS?

Many of the instructors are employees of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, including wildlife officers and biologists. However, the event also depends on volunteers dedicated to outdoors outreach. Some instructors are college professors; others are shooting or fishing professionals, while others participate because of their expertise regarding a particular topic.

The classes are hands on. While some lessons are taught indoors, most learning takes place outside. TWRA and TWRF work to provide students with a positive and lasting memory about the outdoors.

Who is eligible for TOYS And what is the cost?

High school students. An application is required and interested students can fill out and submit an application linked at the top of this page. The cost to attend this summer event is $300, with a $150 deposit required. Only 120 students are allowed to attend each year. If an applicant is not chosen for this year’s camp, the deposit is returned.

Once an applicant is officially chosen, he or she will be sent a password and web address where scheduled sessions will be listed. Students can select their classes of interest at this time, and must pay their remaining balance.

There are a limited amount of “scholarships” available to qualifying applicants. Those interested in a scholarship must indicate that interest in the application.

Do students stay overnight?

Yes, they are assigned rooms at the 4-H camp and provided strict supervision. There are two students per room. If an applicant desires to stay with a specific roommate, that request should be made in the application.

When do the kids arrive, and when do they leave?

Students must arrive to the 4-H camp late Sunday afternoon. The event will conclude with a banquet the following Friday afternoon and parents are invited to attend. Students must be picked up from the 4-H camp following the banquet.