Pea Ridge WMA

Directions and Description

WMA Interactive Map

Site Directions: Ferrell Rd. Unit (main entrance) - From Smithville, head south on Short Mountain Road for 10.1 miles, take a sharp right onto Pea Ridge Road, travel for 2.1 miles, then turn right onto Ferrell Road, travel for 0.3 miles, then Ferrell Road will make a sharp left that you will follow for 0.9 miles where the road will split at the Pea Ridge WMA entrance sign. The pond will be to the left, and other fields and forests will be to the right.  Ferrell Road Unit (main entrance) - 35.89889,-85.92478

Other specific locations and access points: Pea Ridge Road Unit – The Pea Ridge Road. Unit entrance is a left turn-off off Pea Ridge Road into the field parking lot. It is located 100 yards before the right turn off of Pea Ridge Road onto Ferrell Road to go to the Ferrell Road. Pea Ridge Road Unit – 35.89460,-85.94085

Mt. Ararat Unit – The Mt. Ararat entrance is a left turn off of Pea Ridge Road and is located 600 yards past the intersection of Ferrell Rd. and Pea Ridge Road.  Mt. Ararat Unit – 35.89915,-85.94432

Troy Cripps Road Unit – The Troy Cripps Road Unit is 1.9 miles past Ferrell Road from Pea Ridge Road. You will turn left onto Troy Cripps Road and travel about 750 yards before reaching the Pea Ridge WMA boundary on your left. A little past that the boundary will be on both sides of the road. Troy Cripps Road Unit – 35.91968,-85.95703

Herman Road Unit – The Herman Road Unit is 2.9 miles past Ferrell Road. From Pea Ridge Road, you will turn right onto Herman Road and travel about 700 yards before reaching Herman Road. Herman Road Unit – 35.93077,-85.94024

The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, please note hunting seasons.   Some WMA roads will be closed outside of hunting season.  License fees may apply.  

TWRA Contact Information: Region 3 Office: 1-931-484-9571, Toll-Free:  1-833-402-4698, E-mail the office

Description: Pea Ridge WMA is approximately 2,000 acres located on the DeKalb/Cannon County line. It is a rural setting and has many grassland fields, savannahs, and forested areas that are in steep terrain. The primary wildlife management objective is to provide habitat for the Northern bobwhite, although, we also manage some fields for dove hunting. It is a beautiful landscape with a relatively rare opportunity to hear and see quail.  Many locals frequent the pond that is on Ferrell Rd. for fishing.  Hunters enjoy harvesting turkeydeersquirrelsmourning doves, etc.

Pea Ridge WMA provides an opportunity to see a variety of wildlife species, but the highlight is the opportunity to see and hear quail ( Northern bobwhite). You might also see other grassland birds such as Eastern meadowlarksindigo buntings, and field sparrows. Generalist species such as white-tailed deer and wild turkey thrive there as well.

Regulations & Dates

Unauthorized entry or presence is prohibited between sunset and sunrise, except for pond fishing.   Hooved animal riding, bicycling, and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use is permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Conservation Permit.  Motorized vehicles are not permitted behind locked gates.  OHV use is restricted to roads open to other motorized vehicle traffic.  Driving on the pond levee, pond edges, fields, or dirt roads is prohibited.  

Big Game, Small Game, and Trapping  -same as statewide seasons, except as noted.

Deer same as statewide seasons, except closed Oct. 19-25, 2024.

Closed to Quail hunting except open to Young Sportsmen Quail Hunt Oct. 19-25, 2024. Bag limit two (2) quail per day per hunter. Youth quail hunters must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult age 21 or older.

Dog Training - Sept. 1, 2024 - March 15, 2025.

TN Hunting Season Summary

Hunting Regulations Link
Buy a license link
Interactive Map of Barkley WMA
2023-24 Hunting Guide


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