Bear Hollow Mountain WMA
Directions and Description
Directions: From Winchester, head south on Hwy 16, up onto the plateau, and through a small community to WMA signs. The WMA extends to the Alabama state line. Multiple access roads are available throughout the year for hiking and views of the nearby valley. Overlook and TN trailhead to Walls of Jericho - Lat: 34.99291°N Long: -86.06518°W
The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, note hunting seasons. License fees may apply.
TWRA Contact Information: Region 2 Office: 615-781-6622, Toll-Free: 1-800-624-7406, E-mail the office, TWRA Area Manager: Stacy Stevenson (931) 968-6215
Description: The WMA has extensive second-growth hardwood forests that are found across the 17,000-acre Bear Hollow Mountain WMA. Some ridgetops have been cleared for the restoration of native warm-season grasses. Small forested wetlands are scattered, but accessible. Many gravel roads through Bear Hollow Mountain WMA are gated at various times of the year, but parking is available for hiking at these locations and at trailheads for hiking trails. Hiking trails with parking lots are available at two locations near the Alabama state line. The northern access has a nice overview of the valley and a 1-mile hiking trail loop. Hikers can head south and connect with the trail that leads to the Walls of Jericho in Alabama. Trailhead access for the Walls of Jericho State Natural Area, which is an excellent trail worth hiking, is accessible from just across the state line.
Breeding forest interior Neotropical migratory songbirds are common, including Worm-eating Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, and Wood Thrush. At dusk, Whip-poor-wills are heard along the roads across the WMA. In clear-cut areas, Black-and-White Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Indigo Bunting, and Eastern Towhee, are found. In thick regeneration, you may find Chestnut-sided Warbler and Blue-winged Warbler in migration, with nesting suspected but unconfirmed. In spring migration, nearly all warblers can be found, including the Cerulean Warbler.
Regulations & Dates
Special Use - ATVs may be used only to retrieve harvested deer. Hooved animal riders must stay on the designated trail and park their vehicles in designated parking areas at all times. Hooved animal riding is permitted only by individuals possessing a valid hunting and fishing license and WMA permit or a High Impact Habitat Conservation Permit.
During daylight hours, all users outside an enclosed vehicle or out of camp must wear blaze orange during the deer gun and muzzleloader seasons.
Big Game, Small Game, Trapping, and Dog Training - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted.
Quail - Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025.
Camping - Open during deer and turkey seasons to any hunters actively hunting the WMA.