Wildlife and Biodiversity In Tennessee

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Pursuant to the authority granted by Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 70-8-105 and 70-8-107, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission does hereby declare the following species to be endangered or threatened subject to the regulations as herein provided. 

How Climate Change Affects Tennessee's Wildlife

The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has released a report entitled “Climate Change and Potential Impacts to Wildlife in Tennessee,” a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on climate change and its expected impacts on fish and wildlife and the habitats that they occupy. For the remainder of this century, Tennessee’s climate is projected to get warmer, and precipitation patterns could also change dramatically. 

“Climate change is a serious issue that poses significant challenges for fish and wildlife in Tennessee,” said Greg Wathen, TWRA’s Chief of Wildlife. “Warming temperatures over the remainder of this century can have potentially serious consequences for many species, especially those that rely on our wetlands, cold-water habitats, and high elevation habitats. As Congress and the nation deliberate on a national strategy to address climate change, we want to ensure that natural resources adaptation is a part of that conversation.”

A team of about 20 TWRA biologists and managers authored the report, which looks at the potential impacts of a warming climate on various habitats and the fish and wildlife that rely on them. Major sections of the report reviewed the scientific literature on forests, aquatic habitats, caves, birds, amphibians and reptiles, mammals, and adaptation strategies.

Some of the key findings of the review include:

Forests could experience dramatic changes in biomass and forest type, with current high elevation forests being lost entirely as a result of higher temperatures.

Migratory birds, including waterfowl and many songbirds, are expected to be negatively impacted due to climate change. Migratory songbirds may experience disrupted migration patterns. Waterfowl that nest in the prairies of the northern U.S. and Canada may experience lowered reproductive capacity due to drying conditions on their breeding grounds.

Some species that rely on early successional habitats, such as northern bobwhite and ruffed grouse, may benefit from warmer temperatures and drier conditions.

Rivers and streams, and some lakes, will be impacted by warmer temperatures associated with climate change. High elevation streams are expected to be especially vulnerable.

Temperature-sensitive species that inhabit caves, including the federally endangered Indiana bat, may be vulnerable to warming temperatures.

“Our report on climate change and its impacts on wildlife in Tennessee is an assessment of the current state of knowledge of the changes that could occur in our aquatic and terrestrial habitats with continued warming temperatures over the next 50 to 100 years. We also identified adaptation strategies that we believe can help wildlife under a warming climate. In most cases, these strategies would address issues and stresses that are already impacting wildlife, which will worsen in a warming climate.”

TWRA and the Partners For Pollinators Working Group

The Tennessee Department of Transportation’s Partners For Pollinators Working Group is a multi-agency collaboration between four State of Tennessee agencies (Tennessee Department of Transportation, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency), non-profit partners, and consultants such as landscape architects and ecologists.

POLLINATORS are a diverse group of species that includes birds, bees, butterflies, bats, and beetles. They are critically important to life and their numbers are in steady decline as a result of habitat loss, pests, pathogens, pesticides, and other stressors.  TDOT invites you to use this free, in-depth database of native Tennessee Pollinator flora and fauna for your projects. Perfect for use by designers, educators, students, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, beekeepers, gardeners and anyone interested in pollinators. The database and map  also provides information on habitat plantings and protection surveys across the state.

TDOT was recognized, alongside the Partners for Pollinators Working Group, for its continuing improvement of Tennessee’s roadside maintenance practices. Additionally, TDOT and the Working Group were lauded for their public education efforts and pursuit of partnerships to make an ecological impact.  Learn more about the program on TDOT's Pollinator webpage.

Ethics in Wildlife Watching

Everyone who enjoys wildlife watching and photography must always respect wildlife, its environment, and the rights of others. In any conflict of interest between watching or photographing any animal, the animal and its environment come first. 

Remember some of these areas are used for agriculture, hunting, and fishing.  Please check the individual area for rules and regulations and respect the rights of others in the area as well.  Hours and times of availability for use may vary.

Generally, an act of disorderly, obnoxious, or boisterous conduct, including acts that interfere with the orderly process of others, is prohibited in public areas.  Violators could be removed from the area and/or prosecuted.  The possession of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic drug, barbiturate, or marijuana while visiting the areas is generally prohibited.

 To keep the environment in pristine condition, please carry out what you carry in or use any available trash or recycling bins.

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