Eating Balanced Meals
Submitted by Carol from Agriculture
Instead of eating healthy, balanced meals, I had gotten in the habit of eating high-fat foods, snacks, sweets and fast food. I was feeling draggy, tired and unmotivated. I got to a point that I needed to make a change. I had put on some pounds around my waist and middle. I was extremely uncomfortable.
I stopped eating sweets, carbohydrates and quit drinking diet colas. As much as I enjoy eating beef, pork and chicken, I learned that I was not eating enough protein. Now I watch how many carbs and sweets that I eat, but I do not plan to drink diet sodas again.
I've lost 25-30 pounds. I'm more comfortable, feel better, get lots of positive comments from friends, family and co-workers. My confidence has been boosted. I spend less money eating out. I will allow myself to eat things that I love, like sweets and chocolate, but definitely in moderation.