Tennessee Correction Academy
P.O. Box 1510
1314 South Jackson Street
Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388
(931) 461-7100
Fax (931) 454-1940
...Preparing Proud Professionals...
Superintendent Ronald Whitmore

Our Mission
To ensure state-of-the-art training to all employees whom we have the opportunity to serve.
Our Vision
The Tennessee Correction Academy, through a focus on professional service, will set the example for excellence in the delivery of criminal justice training.
Our Goals
To make training a clear priority
To implement a targeted training system
To maintain a quality training environment
"If excellence is the goal of our profession and the organizations to which we belong, then nothing less than excellence in our training and staff development efforts are acceptable...
...A correctional training academy must be the epitome of correctional professionalism, and must be perceived as such by those it serves."
Perry M. Johnson, Past President,
American Correctional Association