Accreditation & Person-Centered Practice
In August 2012, the Department embarked on a new initiative called Person Centered Excellence: Network Accreditation through The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). Person-Centered Excellence: Network Accreditation promotes quality improvement processes in conjunction with the network’s members, thereby establishing and supporting community partnerships among all participants. It supports strategic planning and creates a framework of sustainability by training state and regional office staff. The process supports decision-making through data collection and analysis, as well as leadership development for self-advocates.
In January 2015, DIDD became the first accredited state service delivery system for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the United States by The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). Since 1969, CQL has been a leader in the definition, measurement, and improvement of quality of life for persons receiving services and supports. Since 2015, DIDD was re-accredited by CQL in 2019 and most recently in March of 2023. With the most recent accreditation, Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS) was also included in the achievment.
- Accreditation - Meet the Team (Part 1)
- Accreditation - Meet the Team (Part 2)
Person Centered Practices
DIDD (now DDA) made great strides in becoming a person-centered system and moving the initiative to providers. The Person-Centered Organizations (PCO) initiative being implemented across the country; is also an international effort to promote enhanced systems that improve personal outcomes for the people supported. Working alongside the Council of Quality Leadership (CQL), DIDD (now DDA) has incorporated person centered practices into our service delivery system.
Person Centered Thinking - Person Centered Thinking Training continues to be offered on a monthly basis virtually or in-person at the regional offices. Times and dates for the classes can be found on the DDA website. The PCT trainers are also available to go to provider agencies and facilitate PCT training, which provides options for providers who struggle to send staff to the trainings at the regional office.
Person Centered Organizations (PCO) - With Person Centered Units in both the Central Office and each Regional Office, providers have direct access to training, mentoring and assistance in developing methods to becoming a PCO. In becoming a PCO, strategies are identified that assist organizations to become more person centered in their practices. Organizations learn to use the person-centered tools/skills for solving problems and to achieve organizational goals and outcomes. The process supports organizations in becoming more efficient in their work while helping the people who use their services have lives, they desire.
Adovocates in Motion (AiM) - This one-day training is a course on being a self-advocate during the person- centered planning process. Intended for persons supported, the training teaches participants how to develop a person- centered plan. Learn more about our PPT Class in this video.
Person Centered Practices Advisory Council - This advisory council is comprised of self-advocates, providers, person centered thinking trainers, accreditation team members and other stakeholders. The group meets on a quarterly basis, and they make recommendations on how to continue to embed Person Centered Practices within the state system.
Click here for more information about Person Centered Practices