Network Accreditation

The Person-Centered Excellence: Network Accreditation process is designed to assess the quality of services and supports delivered by the department and its contracted providers, utilizing a comprehensive approach to do this. Not only is statewide POM and BA data collected and analyzed  annually, but there are also stakeholder meetings, focus groups, action plans, Self- Advocate Mentor (SAM) program, and other resources offered to the network so everyone’s voice can be heard. As a result of the accreditation process, DDA and TEIS better understands how people, families and children, using their services, define quality of life. The department is using that information to guide systemic changes to improve people’s lives.

As part of the work with Person-Centered Accreditation, DDA develops and implements Statewide Accreditaiton Plans to affect systemic chnage and improvements.  The PCE Factors from the What Really Matters guide (insert link here) are utilized to generate conversations with leadserhip from all units on what network practices and policies should be prioritized. For the current Accreditation term,  DDA chose to concentrate on the following three PCE Factors: PCE Factor 1- Person- Centered Assessment and Discovery; PCE Factor 2- Person- Centered Planning; and PCE Factor 7- Quality and Accountability.

DDA is continuing to maintain accreditation by ensuring that the Basic Assurances® and Personal Outcome Measures® are ingrained in the policy and practice of the service-delivery system. The goals of the Accreditation Plans help DDA and providers to support Tennesseans who receive DDA/TEIS services to live the lives they choose as well as align with the Center for Medicaid Services Final Settings Rule.