Work with DDA

From my seat, there are three things that make DDA the best place to work in the State of Tennessee.
The first is our vision. DDA exists to support all Tennesseans with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. We believe that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are capable of entering the workforce and deserve to be shown the same dignity as anyone else, and we work each day to make that a reality.
The second is our culture. Commissioner Turner has sent a clear and consistent message: we are here to serve. Each day our team of direct-care workers, doctors, nurses, investigators, business administrators, lawyers, and case managers come to serve and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
The third is our commitment. DDA is committed to the people we serve, but we are also committed to our employees. We are committed to maintaining a respectful workplace, to ensuring we do our part to see that employees are equipped with the management and leadership skills necessary to put them in a position to win, and to making the decision to leave DDA the most difficult work-related decision our employees will ever have to make. DDA offers valuable jobs that have a meaningful purpose which can lead to long-term and compelling careers.
Below is information on how you can learn more about joining a team that makes a positive impact every day.
- Bruce Wilson, M.Div., J.D., Assistant Commissioner of Human Resources and Organizational Development
If you have questions regarding DDA’s hiring processes, please contact
Click here to view DDA Employment Opportunities
Featured DDA Employment Opportunities are listed below:
- Registered Nurse 2- East Region (Greene County)
- Registered Nurse 3 - West TN Region (Shelby County)
- IDD Direct Support Professional – West Tennessee Homes
- IDD Direct Support Professional – Middle Tennessee Homes
- IDD Direct Support Professional – East Tennessee Homes
- Housing and Independence Specialist - MAPs
- IDD Program Specialist 3
Internship Opportunities are listed below:
IDD Direct Support Professional
Please note that the videos shown have the Department of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities logo on them. These videos were recorded before the new Department of Disability and Aging was formed.
Overview of position and responsibilities:
IDD Direct Support Professionals perform vocational and habilitation therapy technical work providing support for people with disabilities to live happy and healthy lives. IDD Direct Support Professionals have an interest in working in a challenging and rewarding career supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their home and community by providing vocational, habilitation training, therapy, and supervisory support.
Key Responsibilities:
- Assists and/or facilitates the implementation of an individualized support plan (“ISP”) to achieve specific outcomes derived from the person's preferences, needs, and interests.
- Ensures the people’s home, special equipment, supplies, and transport vehicles are available, clean, and free of safety hazards.
- Ensures meals are prepared and nutrition plans are followed.
- Ensures personal careis carried out, ISPs are implemented, and Quarterly Personal Property Inventory are carried out and documented
Social Counselor 2
Please note that the videos shown have the Department of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities logo on them. These videos were recorded before the new Department of Disability and Aging was formed.
Overview of position and responsibilities:
Service Coordinators (Social Counselor 2) provide case management for families with children birth to three years old with developmental delays or disabilities within the Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS). Service Coordinators are responsible for the oversight, facilitation, and collaboration in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) to improve child and family outcomes. Responsibilities include:
- Engaging families in the development of the IFSP
- Working with families in coordinating, evaluating, and monitoring service delivery
- Ensuring that services are individualized and family guided
- Ensuring that supports and services are provided according to required timelines, including timely documentation
- Ensuring families understand the Rights of Infants and Toddlers Eligible for Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS)
- Coordinating a transition plan implemented during early intervention and completed at age three when the child exits TEIS
- Collaborating with other IFSP team members working with each child and family
- Participating in ongoing professional development opportunities
“I always knew I wanted to place myself in a position to help children and families thrive with my career. Working at TEIS allows me to enrich children’s lives by empowering their caregivers with knowledge and coordinating needed services to help children and families accomplish their goals.”
Ashley Taylor, Service Coordinator, SW POE Office.
“I always knew I wanted to work with children and families. I am continually grateful for the opportunity to support children and families through TEIS. TEIS provides me with the opportunity to see positive outcomes and interactions on a daily basis.”
Anna Bolin is a Program Coordinator and has worked for TEIS for 10½ years, and for the State of Tennessee for 23 years. She welcomes the positive work environment with DDA/TEIS that allows her to grow as a professional to better serve children and families of Tennessee.
“People supported meeting a small goal is just as rewarding to witness the big ones they meet.”– Ashleigh Benton, Habilitation Therapy Technician at DDA East Tennessee Homes
Ashleigh has been working as a Habilitation Therapy Technician at DDA for 7 years. She says having the chance to support people on a day-to-day basis to reach their goals is what drives her to work. Ashleigh was nominated by her colleagues and selected for DDA’s #DSPsofTN spotlight for her efforts to encourage persons supported to be as independent as possible and always being up for helping out and uplifting others.
“I always knew that I wanted to support people. We all have different visions for our lives, and we all have the right to live a fulfilling and rewarding life no matter the abilities or visions we have.” - Holly Bernard, DDA Director of Program Operations at East Tennessee Homes
Holly Bernard began volunteering and working at the Department at age 17 after graduating high school. She’s been with DDA for 22 ½ years. Holly was nominated for this month’s #DDAatWork employee spotlight by her colleagues for working tirelessly at DDA East Tennessee Homes to make sure the people we support live the lives they want.
“My father was a disabled veteran and promoted the importance of education and instilling a strong work ethic for his daughters. I feel that in working for the State of Tennessee, I honor my family and serve families in need of advocacy, while promoting our organizations values of integrity, commitment, respect and excellence.” - Lisa Chapman, Middle TN Incident Management Coordinator
Lisa has been serving and supporting Tennesseans with disabilities at DDA for 7 years and 11 months. She was nominated as this month’s #DDAatWork employee spotlight for being a reliable resource and support for families, and her consistent work to prioritize the health and safety of the people she supports. Lisa says she has family members with disabilities and is passionate about connecting families with community resources to improve the quality of their lives.