Hire My Strengths

Welcome to the Hire My Strengths social media campaign! Our campaign encourages anyone and everyone (with a disability or not) to think about what they're good at. No matter what it is, if you're good at it, there's an employer who wants what you have to offer.
The “social” part of this campaign is where you come in. As an advocacy group, disability service provider, business owner, educator, mentor, parent, sibling, friend—whatever role you have that brings you in contact with people with disabilities, we’re reaching out to you to help us organize and energize people about employment, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and #HireMyStrengths. You can find a toolkit for participation, employment resources, a gallery of participant photos, and an event calendar in the navigation on the left side of the page under Hire My Strengths.
The TN Employment First Task Force, in collaboration with the TennesseeWorks Partnership, is committed to facilitating the full inclusion of individuals with varying degree of abilities in the workplace and in the community. With a shared vision to increase employment for all Tennesseans with disabilities, agencies and organizations involved in the Task Force and Partnership launched our Hire My Strengths campaign during National Disability Employment Awareness Month in 2015. Below you'll find a list of partners across the state who are involved in Hire My Strengths.