Physical Education

Best Practice:
Sumner County Schools
Sumner County Schools Coordinated School Health (CSH) team has been working to implement the SPARK curriculum for over ten years, and in 2019, they committed to becoming a SPARK District. Every year physical education teachers participate in workshops to learn how to navigate the instructional materials and digital content, then prepare effective lessons and provide active examples that foster best practices. To date, twenty-nine physical educators have become certified in the SPARK curriculum through SPARKecademy. This online professional development resource allows teachers to track their training and submit their completed credentials for credit hours through the Sumner Schools Teachers Center.
In 2021 - 2022, Sumner County Schools received $130,440.72 in ESSER funding to mitigate learning loss and support student academic achievement. This gift has allowed every educator a coordinated package of research and standards-based curriculum, interactive teacher training, content-matched equipment, and extensive follow-up and support. Each
curriculum set (K-2), (3-6), (Middle School), (High School), and (Inclusive PE) includes these outstanding elements: a binder, folio, CD playlist, phone app, and digital curriculum. The goal is to all be on the same page across the district, which is most helpful when students move within the community and attend a new school. To further support a complete wrap-around approach, CSH provided curriculum bundles for their seven state-recognized Early Childhood Education programs to focus on school readiness and provided after-school programs with curriculum to focus on cooperation, fitness, sports, and much more for opportunities outside the school day.
Sumner County School’s CSH measures the success of this work by teacher feedback.
"As a PE teacher, this has been the best training I have ever received, period; it's content-specific and is exactly what I needed. Thank you for bringing SPARK to Sumner County". - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"Finally, a curriculum that is PE specific"! - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"I love pulling out resources directly from my folio at class time." - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"This is what I have been looking for; new and creative lessons for my high school class." - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"What an enhancement to my PE program; I know my scholars are going to love this"! - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"The SPARK curriculum has made my life so much easier, and now an app; woo hoo!" - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"A big thank you shout out for the Inclusive PE license; I have needed something like this for years." - Sumner County Schools Teacher
"I am taking back so many new ideas; now I'm looking forward to my Principal visiting our classroom." - Sumner County Schools Teacher
Adapted Physical Education
The department has developed this guide as a means to provide expanded resources for adapted physical education and inclusion in physical education.
Tennessee Virtual Schools
The same physical education requirements for students who attend schools in-person apply to virtual school students, including the requirement that PE be taught by a licensed teacher with an endorsement in physical education. The following resources may be of particular interest to support district virtual school physical education programs.
SHAPE America Guidelines for K-12 Online Physical Education
Effective Online K-12 PE ( – This one-hour interactive learning module hosted by Focused Fitness is an excellent introduction to effective online instruction for K-12 physical education. Various instructional samples are provided from Tennessee educators. A certificate for 1 PD hour is automatically generated upon successful completion.
Online K-12 P.E. in Action ( – This follow-up module to Effective Online K-12 PE is primarily interview-based with Tennessee educators sharing their various experiences with online physical education instruction through the 2020-21 school year. A certificate for 1 PD hour is automatically generated upon successful completion.
Quality Physical Education:
High quality physical education teaches students the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.
Free K-12 Physical Education Curriculum with equity of access for all physical education programs.
Tools and Resources:
CATCH Physical Education Module
NCHPAD for Educators - Adaptive and Inclusive Physical Education
Paul Zeintarski - Learning Readiness PE
ATHLOS Movement and Character Program - Physical Education
Using Technology - Chromebooks in Health and Physical Education
The FitnessGram PACER test measures aerobic capacity, which is the body’s ability to efficiently use oxygen. Aerobic capacity is a health indicator and is included as a reported health measurement with other screening data conducted by Coordinated School Health like blood pressure, vision and hearing for students in grades 4, 6, 8, and one year of high school. Provided here are some tools and resources to help with PACER facilitation.
- PACER Facilitation One-Pager for Physical Educators
- FitnessGram- PACER
- The Cooper Institute – PACER Protocol
- PACER Test Remixes – Hip Hop Public Health
- PACER Track with Visual Cues
- Article: US School-Based Physical Fitness Assessments and Data Dissemination