Module Four: Learning Spaces and Activities
Overview of Module Four: Module 4 will consist of three instructional presentations. These presentations will help you reflect on the special role a book-and-language-rich classroom environment plays in providing opportunities for children to interact with and learn from one another, teachers, and materials.
- Section One: This section you will learn more about how to create book-and-language- rich learning spaces that invite children to explore, inquire, create, problem-solve, and share what they learn. In addition, you will explore how learning is enhanced when books are included in all areas of the classroom.
- Section Two: This section you will learn the benefits of using the “I do…you watch,” “I do…you help,” “You do…I help,” and “You do…I watch” for modeling and practicing early language and literacy skills. Emphasis is placed on scaffolding learning and providing opportunities for repeated practice.
- Section Three: This section you will learn how learning spaces and activities can be designed as opportunities to build conceptual knowledge.
- Section Four: Complete the Learning Application Assignment.