Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | 12:23pm
Play or Practice: Which Matters Most
Friday, January 07, 2022 | 01:18pmOften as parents, we purchase flash cards or “getting ready” workbooks to help our children prepare for school or to practice school activities at home, but what matters more: structured practice or just simply playing with your child?
Tennessee Educators Lead the Nation in Literacy Focus
Monday, October 18, 2021 | 03:02pmThe inaugural Reading 360 Summit resonates in my mind as one of the most powerful learning opportunities of my career. Listening to several Tennessee leaders in the sessions over the three day summit highlighted and reinforced the incredible literacy work that is occurring in across the state.
The Importance of Pre-K
Tuesday, October 05, 2021 | 11:59amI have always taught in the early grades, and my PhD is in literacy. After being introduced to the research behind the importance of language and phonemic awareness, especially in the early years, I made it my mission to institute sounds-first instruction in my district.
Coaching Foundational Skills
Tuesday, October 05, 2021 | 11:53amOne of the key components to ensuring all students are proficient grade level readers is professional learning and coaching for our teachers.
Why do sounds come first?
Monday, July 12, 2021 | 11:54amWhen children are first born, we start making faces and cooing sounds. We are constantly talking to our newborns about the weather, naming family members, and identifying everything around them.
Why Should We Focus on Tricky Words?
Thursday, June 24, 2021 | 04:10pmWhen my son was born, I wanted him to love reading. I wanted him to read Green Eggs and Ham, love going to Tuesday library story time, and enjoy reading books all Sunday afternoon. As a child, I read to him every night before bed.
Family Literacy Nights & Other Opportunities for Tennessee Families
Friday, June 18, 2021 | 04:37pmSince we know parents are our students first teachers, we knew it would be essential for Reading 360 to engage parents as partners in the effort to get all children reading by third grade.
Early Reading Training: Course 1
Friday, June 11, 2021 | 05:18pmAs we are all finishing up the school year, the department is thrilled that so many Tennessee educators are also finishing up Course 1 of the Early Reading Training!
Why Reading 360?
Monday, May 24, 2021 | 03:47pmThis month we kicked off our Early Reading Training for Tennessee educators, and we couldn’t be more excited for what it means for literacy across our state!
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