English Learners
Tennessee’s EL population is increasing significantly, with 45 percent growth in the EL population from 2011 to 2017. In 2016-17, 132 Tennessee districts and 1,451 schools served ELs. Should this growth trajectory continue, we will exceed 60,000 ELs by 2020. These changes in Tennessee’s population will have a significant impact on the educational trends in the state.
Tennessee is committed to ensuring that all students, including English learners, have the opportunity for success in rigorous coursework, access to early postsecondary opportunities, and access to highly effective teachers.
Information in this section includes guidance on administering an effective ESL program within a school or district. Foundational guidelines are provided, as well as resources to support English Learner subgroups, assessment, special education, and RTI.
- Dear Colleague Letter: English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents (2015)
- English as a Second Language Manual
- English Learner Framework
- Fact Sheet on the Rights of All Children to Enroll
- Family Resource Centers
- Retention Guidelines for English Learner Students
- RTI² Framework
- Special Education Framework
- Supporting Long-Term English Learners: A Guide
- U.S. Ed English Learner Toolkit
- U.S. Ed Newcomer Toolkit
Important resources for ESL and general education teachers to support English language acquisition in the classroom.
Includes resources for school- and district-level administrators to support the families of English Learners.