How to Affiliate with an Organization
After creating a profile in the system, you will need to affiliate with an organization BEFORE opening an application. If you are submitting an application for a city or county, you will need to be affiliated with that city or county. You may affiliate with multiple organizations (this applies to grant consultants and development districts who may apply for multiple organizations). Please note that only the primary contact of an organization will have access to all applications within their organization. In order to have access to an application created by another user, you may need to ask the division to be added as an assigned contact.
At the top of your Home dashboard (screenshot below), there is a message at the top "Note: Please be sure to submit a request to affiliate with a registered organization before you apply for any grant." This box will let you know which organization you are logged in as "Affiliated" with or "Not Affiliated". To switch to your organization of preference, simply click the "Switch Organization" button on the top right of the screen.

To affiliate with an organization, click "Submit Affiliation Request" button in the second section of your dashboard. A new page titled "Request Affiliation with an Organization" will pop up with steps for you to complete.

First, select the "Lookup" button to see if your organization is in the system. All of the TN cities and counties have already been entered into the system. If your organization is already in the system, select your organization and proceed to Step 4 to enter your information. Once complete, click "Submit".

If your organization is not listed, select "Register New Organization" in Step 2. Complete the information in the new page that pops up and click "Submit". After you are returned to the Affiliation page, start typing in your organization in Step 1 and select. Proceed to Step 4 and enter your information. Once complete, click "Submit".