Grants to Promote Materials Management
The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility (HHWCF) Grant provides funding for HHW collection operations infrastructure to enhance existing operations, establish temporary collection infrastructure, and establish a HHWCF identified eligible facility.
The Recycling Equipment Grant enables local governments and non-profit recycling organizations to purchase key pieces of recycling equipment.
The Recycling Rebates are available for the top five (5) most populous counties (including contained municipalities) in Tennessee.
The Used Oil Collection Act allows for a two cent fee to be collected against every quart of oil sold in Tennessee, providing grant funding for establishment, maintenance, and upgrades of used oil and automotive fluid collection equipment.
Applicants can use this grant to cover the cost to build or upgrade convenience centers, but such funds may not be used for regular operation expenses of a recurring nature.
The Technical Assistance Grant provides funding to assist technical assistance providers across the state to provide planning assistance, training, implementation guidance, assessments and other needed services to aid the regions in reducing waste going to landfills and moving materials to the best highest use
The Organics Management Grant will provide funding for organic materials in the municipal solid waste stream for reducing organic waste which include; source reduction, wasted food recovery and food donation, diversion or beneficial end-use.
The Waste Reduction Grant equipment includes key equipment needed to establish new collection or processing capacity for recycling, to improve existing recycling collection or processing operations, or to prepare materials for transport and marketing. Eligible facilities shall receive and distribute materials for waste reduction purposes.
Workshops will be hosted across the State to announce upcoming grants and review application manuals.