Tennessee Historical Commission

Historic Property / Land Acquisition Fund

The Historic Property / Land Acquisition Fund is used to help restore historic properties in Tennessee that have a demonstrated public benefit. Grants are competitive and can be used for Historic Restoration / Rehabilitation Projects for National Register of Historic Places listed Resources.

Civil War Sites Preservation Fund

The Civil War Sites Preservation Fund grants funding for the acquisition and preservation of Civil War battlefields and Underground Railroad sites located in Tennessee.

Tennessee Wars Commission Grant Fund

The Tennessee Wars Commission Grant Fund provides funds to coordinate planning, preservation, protection, promotion, and interpretation of structures, buildings, sites, and battlefields related to Tennessee’s military heritage.

Tennessee Wars Commission Easement

The Tennessee Wars Commission Easement program protects Tennessee's battlefields and war-related historic resources that are irreplaceable tangible reminders of the state’s rich military history.

This Page Last Updated: August 7, 2024 at 9:29 PM