Special Waste Application

Who needs to submit a Special Waste Application for evaluation?

Persons who wish to send a solid waste that is difficult or dangerous to manage or sludges, bulky wastes, pesticide wastes, medical wastes, industrial wastes, liquid wastes, friable asbestos wastes, and combustion wastes to a Tennessee permitted disposal or processing facility must submit a Special Waste Application for evaluation. The DSWM has developed Special Waste Guidance to assist in determining when a Special Waste Application needs to submitted for the DSWM for evaluation.

What fees are required?

There is a Special Waste Application fee of $300. Note that an applicant can request a transfer to add one additional permitted facility to their special waste approval for no additional fee.

How will my application be evaluated and processed?

The DSWM will determine if the application is complete, including if there is an adequate hazardous waste determination, and determine if the waste is a prohibited waste (Hazardous, PCB, Radioactive, etc.) based on the information/data provided. (Note: In T. C. A. § 68-211-102(b), the general assembly has declared it to be the policy of this state to ensure that hazardous waste is not disposed of in solid waste facilities). Based on the nature of the special waste and the design and operation of the disposal or processing facility, the DSWM will also determine if the facility can safely and effectively manage the special waste. If the application is incomplete due to insufficient information/data provided in the application, the DSWM will request additional information/data in order to complete an evaluation. A decision will be made within 30 days of the receipt of a completed application. Note that incomplete applications slow down the review process.  Once DSWM has made a decision, the applicant will receive a Special Waste Determination Letter.  The following provides summaries of the three possible outcomes from DSWM review of a complete application:

  1. The DSWM determines based on the information/data submitted in the application and, as applicable, by inspection of the waste that the waste cannot be managed at a designated Tennessee permitted facility because it is a prohibited waste (Hazardous, PCB, Radioactive, etc.) and/or due to the danger and/or difficulty in initial management and long term impacts to the facility. The DSWM will issue a Special Waste Denial Letter stating the reason(s) for the denial.
  2. The DSWM determines based on the information/data submitted in the application that a waste is not a prohibited waste (Hazardous, PCB, Radioactive, etc.) and it does not meet any of the Special Waste Characteristics found in Special Waste Guidance (see link above). The DSWM will issue a Non-Designated Special Waste which only applies for the Tennessee permitted facility listed on the application.
  3. The DSWM determines based on the information/data submitted in the Special Waste Application and, as applicable, by inspection of the waste that the waste is not a prohibited waste (Hazardous, PCB, Radioactive, etc.) but exhibits one or more of the Special Waste Characteristics and it can be safely managed at a Tennessee Solid Waste Permitted Facility. The DSWM will issue a Special Waste Approval Letter stating the conditions of the approval.

Jeremy Hooper

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This Page Last Updated: July 9, 2024 at 6:38 PM