Discharges of Filter Backwash and Sedimentation Basin Washwater from Water Treatment Plants
***Important Update January 2025***
Tennessee’s general permit for Discharges of Filter Backwash and Sedimentation Basin Washwater from Water Treatment Plants (WTP-GP) expires on August 31, 2025. TDEC is preparing a new one and will notify everyone when the draft permit is available for review and comments.
If you currently have WTP-GP coverage, you don’t have to do anything now. Information about submitting a digital Notice of Intent (NOI) form via MyTDEC Forms will be sent to active permittees when the new permit is issued.
If you DO NOT have coverage under the previously issued WTP-GP, and your operations will begin before September 01, 2025, please submit a completed WTP-GP NOI through August 31, 2025 to Water.Permits@tn.gov
If you have coverage under the WTP-GP currently, but no longer need it, please submit a written request for termination of your coverage immediately to Water.Permits@tn.gov. The permittee must submit facts in support of the notice of termination, which shall be signed in accordance with subpart 10.10 of this permit (see link below).
Facilities covered by the WTP-GP can confirm their status by going to the TDEC DataViewer, enter their permit tracking number into the search bar, and drill down to the particular record. On that web page, you will see all relevant facility information, including current effective and expiration date.
WTP-GP Permit and Related Documents
If you have already submitted an updated NOI for coverage under the new permit, please know that the Division has deemed it incomplete and will decide how to process it during the development, public notice and issue process for the new general permit.
Any individual who discharges filter backwash and sedimentation basin washwater from water treatment plants to the waters of Tennessee must obtain an NPDES permit (TNG640000) for such discharge. The preferred application method is to file for coverage under the Division of Water Resources.
Applicants must submit the following information at least 30 days prior to any discharge of filter backwash and sedimentation basin washwater to the waters of the State. An original and one (1) copy of the Notices of Intent and required attachments must be sent to Water Resources staff at the Environmental Field Office responsible for the county where the discharge is located.
- A completed Notice of Intent. This form includes name, mailing address, existing NPDES permit number and location of the facility; name of the owner/operator, mailing address, contact person and phone number; name and location, by river mile of the receiving waters; description of the plant and a list of any additives used in the treatment process; design capacity of the plant, the number and volume of sedimentation basins; the source of raw water; the number of filters that are backwashed, the frequency and volume of backwashes and sedimentation basin washouts; a water balance for backwashes and sedimentation basin washouts; a description of how sludge is disposed; type of treatment provided for backwash and sedimentation basin washwaters and the design capacity of the system.
- A topographic map (1:24,000 scale) extending for a one-mile radius for the facility showing the facility boundaries and the discharge point.
The division will review each NOI for completeness and accuracy. Within 30 days of receipt of a complete and accurate NOI, the division will transmit to the permittee a notice of coverage (NOC) under this permit, which shall specify the effective date of coverage under the permit. The term of coverage is valid through the expiration date of this general permit. If the division has not been able to transmit an NOC to a permittee within 30 days of receipt of the NOI, discharges are authorized under this permit if the NOI has been assigned a valid NPDES general permit tracking number and the permittee has been informed of this tracking number.
- Permit Application Fee: none
- Annual Permit Fee: $350
A permittee who has submitted an NOI and received permit coverage has the duty to comply with all provisions of the general permit and applicable rules and regulations. If the applicant objects to the Division’s determination they may request that the Division reassess their decisions. This request must be made within 15 days of the transmittal letter. Coverage under the NPDES general permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or ground water. The permittee must notify the Division as soon as possible of planned alteration or additions to the permitted facility or of any change in mailing address. The permittee is responsible for monitoring discharge, reporting data, keeping records, and placing signs at discharge outfalls as detailed in the general permit. If the facility experiences any emergency that could impact the waters of the state, they must notify the Division as detailed in the general permit.
The Division has the right to revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance of a permit to any applicant who violates the state statutes, departmental regulations, or terms of the general permit. The Division has the right to inspect the site, monitoring equipment, and associated records at reasonable times. They also have the right to sample any discharge. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the state statutes, rules, or regulations may be subject to criminal and/or civil penalties.
Applicants may obtain applications and assistance from the Division of Water Resources Central Office or any TDEC Environmental Field Office, or use the form above.
- TCA § 69-3-108 Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977
- Water Resources Permits DataViewer - (for a copy of the permit (TNG640000) and all other associated documents)
Form | Form Number |
Water Treatment Plant Filter Backwash and Sedimentation Basin Washwater Notice of Intent (NOI) | CN-1225 |