Plans Review and Approval of Sewage Works Construction Plans and Documents

  1. Preliminary Engineering Reports (PERs)
  2. Preliminary construction drawings (PPs)
  3. Engineering Reports (or calculations)(ER) for treatment projects
  4. Final construction documents
    • Final Drawings/Plans 
    • Specifications 
    • Engineering Reports or Calculations
  1. Plans for Drinking Water construction projects
  2. Compliance and Enforcement Documents
  3. Permit applications (NPDES, SOP, ARAP, Construction Stormwater, etc.)
  4. Projects required to be submitted in hard copy
  5. Approval extension requests – email to (no fee)
  1. Gather all documents and payment method (credit card or e-check):
    Cover letter
    Approval letter from owner (sample letter)
    Drawings as a separate single searchable PDF, legible when printed on 11X17 inch paper
    Specifications as a separate single searchable PDF
    Engineering report or calculations as a separate single searchable PDF
    Ensure that all drawings, specifications, engineering reports, and calculations are sealed by an engineer licensed in Tennessee.
  2. MyTDEC Forms – Engineering Services
    Click the link above, then "Begin Form Entry". You will need to register for an account (Skip "Add electronic signature capability" when registering). You can use the same account for multiple projects.
  3. Complete all sections of the Form and upload files.
  4. Electronic payment is required to complete the submittal.

There is not a review fee required for Preliminary Engineering Reports (PERs)

  1. Project review will commence once BOTH the plans and the payment are received.
  2.  Review the status of your project HERE or by clicking on the Dashboard in MyTDEC Forms.
  3.  You will be notified of any additional requirements via an email directing you to the MyTDEC Form. Responses and additional information are to be uploaded to MyTDEC Forms by clicking on the link provided in the email.
  4. Once plans are approved, you will receive an e-mail with the approval letter and a unique link to download a PDF of the approved documents.

Design Criteria for Sewage Works

Guidance for municipalities and industries for the design of sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants.

Design Criteria for Review of Sewage Works Construction Plans and Documents


Design Criteria Chapter 1 - General Engineering Requirements

Wastewater Plans Review Fee Worksheet (Please note that form CN-1457 is no longer being used)

Design Criteria Chapter 2 - Collection Systems

Design Criteria Chapter 3 - Laboratory, Personnel, Maintenance Facilities and Safety Design

Design Criteria Chapter 4 - Preliminary and Pretreatment Facilities

Design Criteria Chapter 5 - Clarifiers

Design Criteria Chapter 6 - Fixed Film Reactors

Design Criteria Chapter 7 - Activated Sludge (Appendix 7-A)

Design Criteria Chapter 8 - Nitrification

Design Criteria Chapter 9 - Ponds and Aerated Lagoons

Design Criteria Chapter 10 - Disinfection

Design Criteria Chapter 11 - Tertiary Treatment / Advanced Wastewater Treatment

Design Criteria Chapter 12 - Sludge Processing and Disposal

Design Criteria Chapter 13 - Plant Flow Measurement and Sampling

Design Criteria Chapter 14 - Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Systems

Design Criteria Chapter 15 - Small Alternative Wastewater Systems

Design Criteria Chapter 16 - Design Guidelines for Wastewater Treatment Systems Using Spray Irrigation

Design Criteria Chapter 17 - Design Guidelines for Wastewater Dispersal Using Drip Irrigation
