Water Notices and Hearings
Please Note: As of November 1, 2023, all mining-related public participation opportunities and notices (incl. NPDES and ARAP) will be published on the Division of Mineral & Geologic Resources page.
Upcoming Public Hearings & Meetings:
Each hearing or meeting listed below has a direct link to the online Meeting. Details on how to connect are included in the public notice document. People who attend the hearing/meeting by phone and who are not able to register online will be given the opportunity to confirm their participation during the hearing. Your participation is appreciated.
Data Viewer Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported for our Data Viewer applications. Please use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge.
Date (2025) | Time (Central) | Topic | Notice | Location | Virtual Link |
March 18 | 5:30pm | NRS21.274 | Hearing Notice | Conference Hall Henry Horton State Park 4209 Nashville Highway Chapel Hill, TN 37034 |
Teams |
March 18 | 5:30pm | NRS19.148 | Hearing Notice | Conference Hall Henry Horton State Park 4209 Nashville Highway Chapel Hill, TN 37034 |
Teams |
March 18 | 4:00pm | NRS24.232 | Hearing Notice | Erwin Town Tall 211 N. Main Avenue Erwin, TN 37650 |
Teams |
Typically, most public hearings begin with an informational session before the formal hearing begins. Please see the public notice document for details.
Virtual Participation Instructions and Guidance
(For participation in public meetings/hearings virtually)
Please note that you may also participate in public hearings by telephone. Call-in information for each hearing, as well as a number to call during the hearing for technical assistance, is provided in each public notice.
February 4, 2025
Public Participation Opportunity
SUBJECT: Request for Comments on the Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) Process for administering the Stream Mitigation Fund for Tennessee (SMFT).
Comments Accepted: February 4-19, 2025
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) would like to announce the establishment of the Stream Mitigation Fund for Tennessee (SMFT), and promote awareness of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Nashville and Memphis Districts’ notice for public comment on the proposed Request for Proposal (RFP) Process for administering and soliciting stream compensatory mitigation projects utilizing the SMFT.
In collaboration with TDEC the USACE has finalized an agreement with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to oversee the management of stream mitigation funds from the now defunct Tennessee Stream Mitigation Program (“TSMP”), which was a privately operated In-Lieu-Fee mitigation program. These funds will support stream compensatory mitigation projects in Tennessee through a competitive RFP process. Initially, the SMFT anticipates to award approximately $35 million dollars to fund compensatory mitigation projects through the restoration, establishment, enhancement, and/or preservation of streams and associated riparian corridors across Tennessee.
USACE is now seeking feedback from the public and all interested stakeholders regarding the RFP and associated documents, to help facilitate a variety of future viable mitigation proposals under the RFP process.
The USACE’s Special Public Notice 25-06 and request for comments begins on February 4, 2025 and is available for viewing on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division website:
Note that there are a total of four documents, one is the public notice and three are supporting documents.
Any response to this notice should reference the Request for Proposal Process to administer the Stream Mitigation Fund for Tennessee (SMFT) and be directed to :
Nashville District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Division3701 Bell Road, Nashville, TN 37214
Attention: Mark G. McIntosh
or email at Mark.G.McIntosh@usace.army.mil
Questions may be directed to Mark G. McIntosh at 615-428-2297 or
email at Mark.G.McIntosh@usace.army.mil.
None at this time.
February 14
February 11
- MMXXV-006 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
- NRS24.220 - The City of Chattanooga proposes to replace a 30-inch diameter sewer force main pipe with a 48-inch diameter pipe by open cut-installation across Nickajack Reservoir in Chattanooga (Hamilton County).
- NRS24.226 - Columbia Power and Water Systems proposes to cross 27 water features (streams and wetlands) with a 36-inch raw water transmission line by open cut, horizontal directional drill, and jack and bore. The transmission line will connect to a new intake in the Duck River near Columbia (Maury County).
- NRS24.238 - Metro Nashville Airport Authority proposes a central ramp expansion that will require encapsulation of 1,728 feet of stream and impacts to 0.04 acres of wetland. Mitigation will be through purchase of 503.6 stream credits from the Cedar Forest Mitigation Bank and 0.1 advance credits from the Tennessee Mitigation Fund In Lieu Fee Program for Wetlands in the lower Cumberland River Service.
- Notice of Public Hearing:
- NRS24.232 - The Division of Water Resources will hold a public hearing on the issuance of an emergency permit to CSX Transportation, Inc. for reconstruction of railroad track along 2.5 miles of right-of-way on the Blue Ridge Subdivision, Nolichucky River near Erwin (Unicoi County). This is part of the emergency response after damage from Hurricane Helene flooding. The hearing will be held on March 18 at Erwin Town Hall, 211 North Main Avenue, Erwin. The informational session will begin at 5:00 PM eastern time and the hearing at 5:45 PM eastern time.
February 07
February 04
- NRS24.193 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes impacts to six streams and nine wetlands for realignment of State Route 54 in Henry County. Stream loss will be offset through onsite mitigation. Wetland impacts will be offset through allocation of 10.419 credits from the Beech River Wetland Mitigation Bank. Temporary impacts will be restored to pre-existing conditions and monitored for two years.
- NRS25.013 - Brian Rosson proposes stabilization and reinforcement of a pond levee in Centerville (Hickman County) to address safety concerns through installation of two concrete overflow pipes for drainage improvement, and minor dredging to complete repairs
- MMXXV-005 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
January 31, 2025
January 28, 2025
- MMXXV-004 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
- NRS24.176 - The Tennessee Valley Authority proposes 0.61 acres of permanent impacts to wetlands and 200 feet of temporary impacts to streams in Tullahoma (Franklin County) for installation of a 161kV transmission line. Mitigation will be through purchase of 0.92 wetland credits from the Christmas Creek Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.212 - Ellsworth Holdings, LLC proposes 0.48 acres of permanent impacts to wetlands for completion of the Farmstead community in Hixson (Hamilton County). Mitigation will be through purchase of 1.07 credits from the Tennessee Mitigation Fund.
January 23, 2025
- NRS22.256 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes modification of a permit for permanent and temporary impacts to eight streams, nine wetlands, and an open water pond for roadway construction to Project Blue Oval. Stream and wetland impacts will be offset through the Big Muddy Permittee Restoration Site (NRS23.094), purchase of 0.54 wetland credits from the Loosahatchie Wetland Mitigation Bank, and purchase of 0.24 credits from the Hatchie Wetland Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.255 - Tennessee State Parks proposes construction of a 90-foot by 20-foot concrete boat ramp in the immediate vicinity of a public access boat ramp that has become unusable, providing public access on Pin Oak Lake in Henderson County. The existing boat launch will be converted into a kayak launch with a courtesy dock installed.
January 21, 2025
- MMXXV-003 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
January 17, 2025
January 14, 2025
- NRS24.133 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes approximately 1,215 feet of impacts while extending State Route 449 (Veterans Boulevard) along the Little Pigeon River to Robert Henderson Road in Sevierville (Sevier County). Permittee responsible mitigation will be through stream restoration to generate a minimum of 61 credits, and allocation of 176.9 credits from the Baileyton Stream Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.144 - Clearwater Conservation Revival, LLC proposes development of the Briar Pond Bottom Mitigation Bank through restoration of Briar Pond Branch, four of its tributaries, a 49.5-acre wetland, and 77.53 acres of drained agricultural fields in Centerville (Hickman County).
- NRS24.203 - Casey’s General Stores, Inc. proposes development of a convenience store and associated infrastructure in Henderson (Chester County). Compensation for impacts to 0.26 acres of wetlands will be through on-site preservation of 2.74 acres of wetland.
- NRS25.001 - Aquatic Weed Wizards proposes maintenance dredging of two ponds in Crossville (Cumberland County) via mechanical dredging. A maximum of 2,000 cubic yards of silt will be removed from the ponds and placed in upland locations near the ponds for dewatering.
- MMXXV-002 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
January 10, 2025
January 7, 2025
- NRS24.010 - LoJac Enterprises, Inc. proposes to fill a 23.52-acre former rock quarry in Murfreesboro (Rutherford County) with soil and rock.
- NRS24.126 - The City of Memphis proposes installation of geocells, planting and staking of native vegetation, and installation of gabion baskets on 451 feet stream bank for bank stabilization on an unnamed tributary to Nonconnah Creek near Quince Road in Memphis (Shelby County). No mitigation will be required due to the nature of 246 feet of revegetation methods.
- NRS24.189 - QuikTrip Corp proposes encapsulation, headwall and rip rap installation, and a stone filter on two tributaries to King Creek for construction of a fueling facility in Harriman (Roane County). The loss of 219.7 functional feet of stream will be offset through a credit purchase from Flat Creek Stream Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.233 - Norfolk Southern proposes to replace a collapsed bridge over the Pigeon River near Newport (Cocke County) resulting in temporary and permanent impacts of 275 feet. Due to the emergency nature of this action, this permit for remedial action is hereby issued without full prior public notice, but public input is being accepted.
- NRS24.246 - James Patterson proposes removal of approximately 1,390 cubic yards of gravel from a depositional bar on a dry branch of Charles Creek in McMinnville (Warren County) for personal farm use.
- MMXXV-001 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
December 23. 2024
- NRS24.150 - Manchester Pointe, LLC is purposing to fill 0.28 acres of wetland associated with road construction near Kimberly Lane in Manchester (Coffee County). Mitigation will be through Permittee Responsible Mitigation of 10.19 acres of wetland preservation.
- NRS24.207 - Cleveland Utilities (Bradley County) proposes installation of gravity sewer line with aerial and trench crossings and installation of rip rap on South Mouse Creek and an unnamed tributary. Temporary wetland impacts of approximately 0.25 acres will occur due to trenching. Impacts are de minimis and will not require mitigation.
December 20, 2024
December 17
- Public Hearing Announcements
- NRS19.148 - Lewisburg Water & Wastewater proposes to increase its raw water withdrawal for public water supply to 6.0 million gallons per day from the Duck River in Marshall County. Information related to the March 18, 2025 Public Hearing is included on the Public Notice linked to this announcement.
- NRS21.274 - Shelbyville Power, Water, and Sewerage Systems proposes to increase its raw water withdrawal for public water supply to ten million gallons of water per day from the Duck River in Shelbyville (Bedford County). Information related to the March 18, 2025 Public Hearing is included on the Public Notice linked to this announcement.
- NRS23.177 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes impacts to eleven streams and nine wetlands for improvement of State Route 1 from Camden Bypass to the Tennessee River (Benton and Henry County). Loss of 1,207.1 functional feet of stream will be offset through 1,526 feet of channel relocation with natural design and the Clifty Creek Stream Restoration Permittee Responsible Mitigation Site. Wetland impacts of 32.16 acres will be offset by allocation of 55.7 credits from the Mebane Advance PRM site and purchase of 8.624 wetland credits from Beech River Wetland Mitigation Bank.
- NRS23.328 - SCP Jacks Creek, LLC proposes restoration of 6,560 feet of Jacks Creek and 6.71 acres of wetlands in Luray (Chester County) for development of a mitigation bank.
- NRS24.090 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints proposes to install a sanitary sewer line via open-cut trench across an unnamed tributary to Little Turkey Creek and install two manholes 35 feet from top of bank in Knoxville (Knox County).
- NRS24.167 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes to replace a steel truss bridge on the Watauga River on Smalling Road in Watauga (Carter County) with a concrete girder bridge. Permanent impacts will be eight feet of rip rap, temporary impacts will occur to 85 feet of the Watauga River for installation of a haul road.
- NRS24.184 - Epcon Communities proposes grading and construction for 48 residential lots, access roads, and detention pond that will fill 1.94 acres of wetland in Murfreesboro (Rutherford County). Compensatory mitigation will be through purchasing approximately 3.68 credits from the Harpeth River Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.232 - A §401 Water Quality Certification was issued to CSX Transportation, Inc. on December 11, 2024 as part of the emergency response to Hurricane Helene flooding. The permit authorized work in the Nolichucky River in Unicoi County for reconstruction of railroad track infrastructure. Where the Commissioner determines an emergency exists, a permit for remedial action may be issued without prior public notice and participation, however, public notice will be advertised no later than 20 days after permit issuance.
- MMXXIV-0051 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
December 13
December 10
- NRS23.301 - MHW Investment Partners, LLC Proposes excavation of 0.29 acres of wetlands to provide a detention basin to service a 24-lot subdivision in Murfreesboro (Rutherford County). Compensatory mitigation will be through the purchase of 0.58 credits from the Sandhill Wetland Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.059 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes permanent and temporary impacts to unnamed Tributaries to South Fork Forked Deer River (Crockett County) for encapsulation, fill and replacement, utility crossings, and existing structures resulting in loss of 202.6 functional feet of stream. Impacts will be offset by permittee responsible mitigation through 2,127 feet of relocated stream channel.
- NRS24.160 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes permanent impacts to 71.5 feet of the Hatchie River and two wetlands for replacement of the Powell Chapel Road bridge (Hardeman County), removal and construction of a public access boat ramp, and a temporary haul road. Stream impacts are de minimis and do not require mitigation. Permanent impacts to 1.35 acres of wetland will be offset through purchase of 3.375 wetland credits from the Hatchie River Wetland Mitigation Bank.
- MMXXIV-0050 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
December 06
December 03
- NRS24.161 - Old Dominion Freight Line proposes to fill 93.6 feet of miscellaneous tributaries to Long Creek and 0.15 acres of wetland for parking lot expansion at the Morristown facility (Jefferson County). Stream impacts will be offset by purchasing 117 functional feet credits from the Pressman Mitigation Bank. Wetland impacts will be offset by purchasing 0.30 credits from the Lick Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank.
- MMXXIV-0049 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
November 27, 2024
November 26, 2024
- NRS24.146 - The Tennessee Department of Transportation proposes temporary and permanent impacts to 178 feet of an unnamed Tributary to the Obed River and the Obed River for replacement of the SR-24 bridge over the Obed River near Crossville (Cumberland County). Mitigation will be through purchase of 23.5 credits form Mud Creek Stream Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.151 - Becknell Services, LLC proposes to widen Fredonia Road in Stanton (Haywood County) and install a 127-foot long, 30-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe on an unnamed tributary to Little Muddy Creek. Impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of 74.3 stream credits from Cub Creek II Mitigation Bank.
- MMXXIV-0048 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
November 22, 2024
November 19, 2024
- NRS23.311 - Costco Wholesale proposes stream channel enlargement and culvert replacement on Rutland Branch in Mt. Juliet (Wilson County). Water and gas lines will also be placed under Rutland Branch and an unnamed tributary via open-cut trenching. Impacts mitigation will be through purchase of 6.13 functional foot credits from the Gleason Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.077 - Texas Eastern Transmission, LP proposes temporary impacts to 0.62 acres of wetland and 277 feet of unnamed tributaries to Wilson Branch by road crossing and open-trench utility line crossing for replacement of natural gas pipelines at Gentry Road in Triune (Williamson County).
- NRS24.122 - The City of Lakesite (Hamilton County) proposes stream channel improvements along approximately 1,041 feet of an unnamed tributary to Chickamauga Reservoir near Daisy Dallas Road in support of a grant.
- NRS24.168 - AT&T Enterprises, LLC proposes installation of approximately 36.8 miles of fiber optic cable by horizontal directional drilling under 71 linear water features including the Duck River, four upland ponds, and three wetlands. The route crosses Maury, Giles, and Marshall County.
- NRS24.205 - The Tennessee Mitigation Fund proposes to implement the Crooked Fork In-lieu Fee Wetland Mitigation Project to offset wetland impacts in their Upper Tennessee River Service Area. Restoration of a degraded wetland near Wartburg (Morgan County) will provide 91.79 acres of ecologically diverse bottomland hardwood forest.
- NRS24.219 - The Burton Hills Homeowners Association proposes dredging of up to 4,000 cubic yards of sediment from a pond on Seven Hills Boulevard in Nashville (Davidson County) to restore the pond to original storage capacity.
- MMXXIV-0047 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
November 15, 2024
November 14, 2024
- NRS23.210 - CTL Southern Construction, LLC proposes to fill 6.79 acres of wetland and 56 feet of stream, install an 18-foot span bridge, two docks and 3,400 feet of bank stabilization on the Cumberland River to construct Locker’s Southern View Luxury Motorcoach Resort in Ashland City (Cheatham County). Mitigation for stream impacts will through purchase of 31 functional foot credits and mitigation for wetland impacts will be through purchase of 13.58 wetland credits from the Harpeth River Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.058 - Fort Campbell Military Reservation – permanent impacts to 854 linear feet of streams and 0.011-acres of wetlands (fill) across twelve (12) road crossings and accompanying infrastructure associated with the construction of the Range 28 Multipurpose Training Range in Big Rock, Stewart County, Tennessee.
- NRS24.083 - The Tennessee Valley Authority is purposing to fill 0.01 acres of wetland for installation of the Kingston Combined Cycle Project in Kingston (Roane County). Mitigation requirements are covered under Tennessee Code Annotated 69-3-141.
- NRS24.170 - James Bradford is purposing to remove gravel from a point bar in Richland Creek (Marshall County) to obtain gravel for commercial use.
November 12, 2024
- MMXXIV-0046 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
November 8, 2024
November 5, 2024
- MMXXIV-0045 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
- NRS23.099 Notice of Determination - This notice sets out the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s determination that degradation of Exceptional Tennessee Waters resulting from habitat alteration associated with the Storyvale residential subdivision in Nolensville (Williamson County) proposed in the §401 Water Quality Certification and Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit application by Nolensville Owner, LLC is necessary to accommodate important economic or social development in the area.
- NRS23.355 - Amber Lane Development proposes to fill 0.278 acres of wetlands and 217 feet of an unnamed tributary to Stoners Creek near Clemmons Road in Mt. Juliet (Wilson County) for construction of a subdivision. Wetland impacts will be mitigated through purchase of 0.83 advanced credits from the Middle Cumberland Service Area from the Tennessee Mitigation Fund. Stream impacts will be mitigated through purchase of 115 functional foot credits from the Cumberland River Compact in the Middle Cumberland Service Area.
- NRS24.191 - David Wright proposes to install a concrete and geotextile cloth matting boat ramp for access to the Wolf River near Moscow (Fayette County).
November 1, 2024
October 31, 2024
- NRS23.351 - The City of Kingsport proposes Permanent impacts to 0.193 acres of moderate quality wetlands and 16.5 linear feet of streams for access to the utility line; and temporary impact 0.74 acres of moderate quality wetland and 1,4043.3 linear feet of streams for sewer improvements. Compensatory mitigation will be through purchase of 0.38 wetland credits from the Lick Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank.
October 29, 2024
- NRS24.123 - The City of Pigeon Forge (Sevier County) proposes to withdraw up to 2,777.36 gallons per minute from Waldens Creek for use as a municipal water supply.
- NRS24.198 - The USDA Forest Service, Cherokee National Forest proposes to demolish and remove the lower Citico Creek (Monroe County) dam and remove concrete debris in the stream and construct a retaining wall adjacent to Citico Road to support the bank and road near of the dam.
- MMXXIV-0044 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
October 25, 2024
October 22, 2024
- NRS24.190 - Bruce Zeiser proposes to install 473 feet of rip rap on the shoreline of Chickamauga Reservoir for bank stabilization in Soddy Daisy (Hamilton County). This is in addition to 488-feet of rip rap on the same property under a previous permit.
- MMXXIV-0043 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
October 18, 2024
October 16, 2024
- NRS23.247 - Newberry PropCo, LLC proposes to fill 0.88 acres of wetland for residential development in Smyrna (Rutherford County). Impacts will be compensated through the purchase of 1.76 wetland mitigation credits from the Harpeth River Reserve LLC Wetland Bank.
- NRS23.285 - Memphis Light, Gas and Water proposes temporary impacts to 0.382 acres of wetlands for replacement of a natural gas pipeline. All impacts will be returned to pre-existing conditions and monitored for two years or until success criteria are met.
- NRS23.340 - Tennessee Department of Transportation is proposing to replace a bridge over 145 linear feet of the West Fork Little Pigeon River, 22 linear feet of fill of an unnamed tributary to West Fork Prong Little Pigeon River, 149 linear feet of encapsulation of an unnamed tributary to West Fork Prong Little Pigeon River. Unavoidable impacts to streams will be mitigated by allocating 265.0 functional foot credits from previously purchased credits from Smoky Run Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.128 - Christopher Kirkland proposes to replace a 52-foot concrete retaining wall with a like structure and stairs on the Little Pigeon River in Sevierville (Sevier County) to control erosion and protect a house foundation and sewer line.
- NRS24.148 - Covenant Gardens Senior Apartments, LP proposes to fill 0.22 acres of wetlands for construction of residential apartments in Memphis (Shelby County). Mitigation will be through the purchase of 0.24 mitigation credits from the Rossville Farm Mitigation Bank.
- NRS24.187 - W3C Construction proposes to fill 0.37 acres of wetlands for grading associated with construction of two commercial lots in Clarksville (Montgomery County). Mitigation will be through purchase of 0.83 credits from the Tennessee Mitigation Fund, a Tennessee Wildlife Federation In-Lieu Fee Program.
October 15, 2024
- MMXXIV-0042 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
October 8, 2024
- MMXXIV-0041 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
October 3, 2024
- Notice of Public Hearing: the Division of Water Resources will hold a public hearing pursuant to Rule 0400-40-05-.06 (8) on the issuance of the Pretreatment Industrial User Permit for Ford Motor Company, A Delaware Corporation (TNPT00001), for indirect discharge of metal finishing process wastewater and domestic wastewater; and for BlueOval SK, LLC (TNPT00002), for indirect discharge of battery manufacturing process wastewater and domestic wastewater.
October 01, 2024
- MMXXIV-0040 - Notice Requesting Public Comments on Draft Permit Actions (Individual and General NPDES Permits, State Operation Permits & Pretreatment Program).
January 23, 2025
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) will hold a public meeting on February 20, 2025 to present and receive comments on the following Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024/State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2025 Draft Intended Use Plans (IUPs):
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund Emerging Contaminants Funding (CWSRF EC),
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Emerging Contaminants Funding (DWSRF EC) and
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Line Replacement (DWSRF LSLR) capitalization grants
Access to these documents will be open prior to the public meeting.
Current Categorical Exclusions (CE) | ||
Applicant | Project | Issue Date |
Munford (Tipton Co) | CW8 2024-486 | 2025-01-15 |
Categorical Exclusion | ||
Transmittal Letter | ||
Figure 1 - Map | ||
Carthage (Smith County) | CW21 2025-499 | 2025-01-13 |
Categorical Exclusion Determination | ||
Transmittal Letter | ||
Figure 1-Project Area Map |
Current Finding of No Significant Impact Statements (FONSI) / Environmental Assessments | |||
Applicant | Project | Issue Date | Comment Period End |
None at this time |
This Page Last Updated: February 14, 2025 at 3:43 PM