TDOA Staff Publications
The following presents a partial bibliography of Tennessee-related archaeological research published by Tennessee Division of Archaeology employees, and works by former Division employees using data collected while at the TDOA. At this time the list does not include unpublished technical reports, site inspections, book reviews, or newsletter/informal publications. Please contact the author(s) and/or the Division of Archaeology for permission to reproduce any images or data from these sources.
Ball, Donald B. and Samuel D. Smith (2008) Notes on an 1811 Paper Mill in Smith County, Tennessee. Ohio Valley Historical Archaeology, Vol. 23, pp. 8-13.
Barker, Gary and John B. Broster (1993) Recent Excavations at the Austin Cave Site: A Late Pleistocene through Early Holocene Occupation in North Central Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 10:1-3.
Barker, Gary and John B. Broster (1996) The Johnson Site (40Dv400): A Sated Paleoindian and Early Archaic Occupation in Tennessee's Central Basin. Journal of Alabama Archaeology 42(2):97-153.
Barker, Gary and Carl Kuttruff (2010) A Summary of Exploratory and Salvage Archaeological Investigations at the Brick Church Pike Mound Site (40DV39), Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 5(1):5-30.
Benthall, Joseph L (1973 ) Archaeological Investigations of the Netherland Inn Complex. Tennessee Historical Commission and Netherland Inn Association, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee.
Bentz, Charles, Jr. (1996) The Bailey Site (40GL26): Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, and Historic Settlement and Subsistence in the Lower Elk River Drainage of Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Miscellaneous Publications No. 2, Nashville.
Blankenship, Sarah A. Bruce Kaiser, and Michael C. Moore (2013) X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Two Metal Beads from the David Davis Farm Site (40HA301), Hamilton County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 7(1):76-82.
Brandon, Jamie C. and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (1995) Textile Impressed Ceramics from the Oliver Site, Obion County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 20(1):58-73.
Breitburg, Emmanuel (1983) An Analysis of Faunal Remains from Wynnewood State Historic Site, Sumner County, Tennessee, and its Implications to Tennessee Plantation Site Archaeology in the Central Basin. Tennessee Anthropologist 8(2):133-181.
Breitburg, Emmanuel, John B. Broster, Arthur L. Reesman, and Richard G. Stearns (1996) The Coats-Hines Site: Tennessee's First Paleoindian-Mastodon Association. Current Research in the Pleistocene 13:6-8.
Breitburg, Emmanuel, and John B. Broster (1994) Paleoindian Site, Lithic, and Mastodon Distributions in Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 11:9-11.
Breitburg, Emmanuel, and John B. Broster (1995) Clovis and Cumberland Projectile Points of Tennessee: Quantitative and Qualitative Attributes and Morphometric Affinities. Current Research in the Pleistocene 12:4-6.
Breitburg, Emmanuel, and John B. Broster (1997) A Record of Late-Pleistocene Stout-legged Llama, Palaeolama mirifica Simpson, in Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 14: 135-136.
Broster, John B. (1982) Paleo-Indian Habitation at the Pierce Site (40Cs24); Chester County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 7:93-104.
Broster, John B. (1988) Burial Patterns for the Mississippian Period in Middle Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 13(1): 1-15.
Broster, John B. (1989) Preliminary Survey of Paleo-Indian Sites in Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 6:29-31.
Broster, John B. (1998) Paleoindians in Tennessee, In The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture, edited by Carroll Van West. The Tennessee Historical Society, Rutledge Hill Press, Nashville, TN.
Broster, John B. and Gary Barker (1992) Second Report of Investigations at the Johnson Site (40DV400): The 1991 Field Season. Tennessee Anthropologist 17(2):120-130.
Broster, John B., David P. Johnson, and Mark R. Norton (1991) The Johnson Site: A Dated Clovis-Cumberland Occupation in Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 8:8-10.
Broster, John B., Lou C. Adin, and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (1980) Archaeological Investigations at Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Area: 1974 and 1975 Field Seasons. In Archaeological Investigations at Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Area: 1974, 1975, and 1978 Field Seasons, edited by Robert C. Mainfort, pp. 1-90. Research Series No. 1, Division of Archaeology, Tennessee Department of Conservation, Nashville.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (1990) Lithic Analysis and Paleo-Indian Utilization of the Twelkemeier Site (40HS173). Tennessee Anthropologist 15:115-131.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (1990) Paleoindian Fluted Point and Site Survey in Tennessee the 1989 Season. Current research in the Pleistocene 7: 5-7.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (1992) Paleoindian Projectile Point and Site Survey in Tennessee: 1988-1992. In Paleoindian and Early Archaic Period Research in the Lower Southeast: A South Carolina Perspective, edited by David G. Anderson, Kenneth E. Sassaman, and Christopher Judge, pp. 263-68. Council of South Carolina Professional Archaeologists, Columbia.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (1993) The Carson-Conn-Short Site (40BN190): An Extensive Clovis Habitation in Benton County, Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 10:3-5.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (1996) Recent Paleoindian Research in Tennessee. In The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast. Edited by David G. Anderson and Kenneth E. Sassaman, pp. 288-297. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (1999 ) A Note on OCR Dates from the Carson-Conn-Short Site (40BN190), Benton County Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 16:15-16.
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (2009) The Sinclair Site (40Wy111): A Clovis Quarry along the Buffalo River in Wayne County, Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 26:35-36
Broster, John B. and Mark R. Norton (2018) Carson-Conn-Short (40BN190): Clovis Lithic Procurement in the Tennessee River Valley. In In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition Volume II, edited by Joseph A. M. Gingerich, pp. 1-15. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Broster, John B., Mark. R. Norton, and Richard Anderson (1991) Clovis and Cumberland Sites in the Kentucky Lake Region. Current Research in the Pleistocene 8:10-12.
Broster, John B., Mark R. Norton, Bobby Hulan, and Ellis Durham (2006) A Preliminary Analysis of Clovis through Early Archaic Components at the Widemeier Site (40DV9), Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 2(2):120-127.
Broster, John B., Mark. R. Norton, D. Shane Miller, Jesse W. Tune, and Jon D. Baker (2013) Tennessee’s Paleoindian Record: The Cumberland and Lower Tennessee Watersheds. In In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, edited by Joseph A. M. Gingerich, pp. 299-314. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Broster, John B., Mark. R. Norton, Dennis J. Stanford, C. Vance Haynes, Jr., and Margaret A. Jodry (1994) Eastern Clovis Adaptations in the Tennessee River Valley. Current Research in the Pleistocene 11:12-14.
Broster, John B., Mark. R. Norton, Dennis J. Stanford, C. Vance Haynes, Jr., and Margaret A. Jodry (1996) Stratified Fluted Point Deposits in the Western Valley of Tennessee. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Mid-South Archaeological Conference. Panamerican Consultants, Inc. Special Publications 1, Memphis. pp. 1-11.
Broster, John B., Mark. R. Norton, Bobby Hulan, and Ellis Durham (2008) Paleoindian and Early Archaic Occupations of the Widemeier Site (40DV9), Davidson County, Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 25(1): 64-66.
Broster, John B. and Lee Schneider (1976) Pinson Mounds: A Middle Woodland Mortuary Center in West Tennessee. Central States Archaeological Journal 23(1):19-26.
Broster, John B. and Lee Schneider (1977) Settlement and Subsistence: An Analysis of Middle Woodland Sites on the South Fork of the Forked Deer River, West Tennessee. Journal of Alabama Archaeology 21(1):58-69.
Buikstra, Jane E, William Autry, Emanuel Breitburg, Leslie Eisenberg, Nikolaas Van Der Merwe (1988) Diet and Health in the Nashville Basin: Human Adaptation and Maize Agriculture in Middle Tennessee. In Diet and Subsistence: Current Archaeological Perspectives, edited by B. V. Kennedy and G. M. LeMoine, pp. 243-259. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary.
Butler, Brian M. (1977) The Yearwood Site: A Specialized Middle Woodland Occupation in Middle Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 2(1):1-15.
Butler, Brian M. (1981) Sellars: A Small Mound Center in the Hinterlands. Tennessee Anthropologist 6(1):37-60.
Cimprich, John and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (1985) Dr. Fitch's Report on the Fort Pillow Massacre. Tennessee Historical Quarterly 44(1):27-39.
Cimprich, John and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (1989) The Fort Pillow Massacre: A Statistical Note. The Journal of American History 76(3):830-837.
Cobb, Charles R., Anthony M. Krus, Aaron Deter-Wolf, Kevin E. Smith, Edmond A. Boudreaux III & Brad R. Lieb
2023 The Beginning of the End: Abandonment Micro-histories in the Mississippian Vacant Quarter. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.
Corgan, James X. and Emmanuel Breitburg (1996) Tennessee's Prehistoric Vertebrates. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Geology Bulletin 84, Nashville.
Cridlebaugh, Patricia A. (1986) Penitentiary Branch: A Late Archaic Cumberland River Shell Midden in Middle Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 4, Nashville. Second edition, edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf, 2017.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron (2013) Needle in a Haystack: Examining the Archaeological Evidence for Prehistoric Tattooing. In Drawing with Great Needles: Ancient Tattooing in Eastern North America, edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf and C. Diaz-Granados, pp. 43-72. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron (2013) Fernvale (40WM51): A Late Archaic Occupation along the South Harpeth River in Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 19, Nashville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron (2014) Archaeological Testing at Glass Mounds (40WM3), Williamson County. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Meeting for Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology, Nashville, TN.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Thaddeus G. Bissett (2019) Reassessing Middle Archaic Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Anderson Site. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and John B. Broster (2008) New Finds of Paleoindian and Early Archaic Sites along Sulphur Fork in Montgomery County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 3(2):157-162.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Carol Diaz-Granados (2013) Drawing with Great Needles: Ancient Tattoo Traditions in Eastern North America. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron, Sunny Fleming, and Sarah Levithol Eckhardt (2018) Return to the Great Mound Group: 2016 Investigations at Mound Bottom State Archaeological Area. Tennessee Archaeology 9(2):103-116.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Michael C. Moore (2015) The Riverbend Prison Site (40DV83): A Late Archaic and Early Woodland Camp along the Cumberland River in Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 19, Nashville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Tanya M. Peres (2012) Recent Research in the Middle Cumberland River Valley: Introduction to the Special Volume. Tennessee Archaeology 6(1-2):5-17.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Tanya M. Peres (2013) Flint, Bone, and Thorns: Using Ethnohistorical Data, Experimental Archaeology, and Microscopy to Examine Ancient Tattooing in Eastern North America. In Tattoos and Body Modifications in Antiquity: Proceedings of the Sessions at the Annual Meetings of the European Association of Archaeologist in The Hague and Oslo, 2010/11, edited by Philippe Della Casa and Constanze Witt, pp. 35-48. Zurich Studies in Archaeology 9. Chronos-Verlag, Zurich.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Tanya M. Peres (2014) Embedded: 5,000 Years of Shell Symbolism in the Southeast. In Trends and Traditions in Southeastern Zooarchaeology, edited by Tanya M. Peres, pp. 161-185. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Tanya M. Peres (2019) Introduction. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Tanya M. Peres (2019) Tattoo Bundles as Archaeological Correlates for Ancient Body Ritual in Eastern North America. In Shaman, Priest, Practice, Belief: Materials of Ritual and Religion in Eastern North America, edited by edited by Stephen B. Carmody and Casey R. Barrier, pp. 37-62. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Tanya M. Peres (2021) Mastodons to Mississippians: Adventures in Nashville’s Deep Past. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron, Tanya M. Peres and Steven Karacic (2021) Ancient Native American Bone Tattooing Tools and Pigments: Evidence from Central Tennessee. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37:103002.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron Benoît Robitaille, and Isaac Walters (2017) Scratching the Surface: Mistaken Identifications of Tattoo Tools from Eastern North America. In Ancient Ink: The Archaeology of Tattooing, edited by Lars Krutak and Aaron Deter-Wolf, pp. 193-209. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Kevin E. Smith (2020) Antiquarian Investigations and Archaeological Testing at the Glass Mounds Site (40WM3), Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 10(2):85-108.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron, and Leslie Straub (2019) Archaic Shell-Bearing Site Investigations in the Middle Cumberland River Valley. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Deter-Wolf, Aaron, Jesse W. Tune, and John B. Broster (2011) Excavations and Dating of Late Pleistocene and Paleoindian Deposits at the Coats-Hines Site, Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 5(2):142-156.
Eckhardt, Sarah Levithol and Aaron Deter-Wolf (2023) An Open Access Georeferenced Shapefile for the Middle Cumberland Region of Central Tennessee.
Eckhardt, Sarah Levithol and Hannah Guidry (2018) The Copper Creek Site (40SU317): A Multicomponent Mortuary Site in Goodlettsville, Sumner County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 9(2):135-155.
Ferguson, Robert B., John B. Broster, James W. Ward, Jr. and James W. Cameron (1972) The Middle Cumberland Culture. Vanderbilt University Publications in Anthropology No. 3, Nashville.
Fielder, George E. (1976) Folk Architecture in Tennessee: A Call for New Directions. Tennessee Anthropologist 1(1):48-57.
Froeschauer, John D., Peggy S. Froeschauer, and Charles P. Stripling (1986) Archaeological Survey of State-Owned Lands conducted by Tennessee Division of Archaeology 1982-1984. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No.3, Nashville.
Gillreath-Brown, Andrew and Aaron Deter-Wolf (2019) Modeling Archaic Settlement Patterns and Ecology in the Middle Cumberland River Valley of Tennessee. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Jolley, Robert L. (1978) Archaeological Reconnaissance along the Cumberland River in the Outer Nashville Basin and the Western Highland Rim. Tennessee Anthropologist 3(2):129-144.
Jolley, Robert L. (1979) Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Headwaters of the Caney Fork River in Middle Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 4(1):32-62.
Jolley, Robert L. (1983) Archaeological Investigations at the Clifton Place Plantation, Maury County, Tennessee. Miscellaneous paper No. 9, Tennessee Anthropological Association, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Jolley, Robert L. (1983) North American Historic Sites Zooarchaeology. Historical Archaeology 17(2):64-79.
Jolley, Robert L. (1983) Mississippian Adaptations to the Middle Cumberland Drainage of Central Tennessee. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 8(1):73-90.
Jones, J. Scott, John Broster, and Mark R. Norton (2010) Paleoindian Lithic Raw-Material Use in the Tennessee River Valley. Current Research in the Pleistocene 27: 105-107.
Kay, Marvin and Robert Mainfort, Jr. (2014) Functional Analysis of Prismatic Blades and Bladelets from Pinson Mounds, Tennessee. Journal of Archaeological Science 50:63-83.
Kuttruff, Carl (2010) Fort Loudoun in Tennessee, 1756-1760: History, Archaeology, Replication, Exhibits, and Interpretation. Tennessee. Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 17, Nashville.
Kwas, Mary L. and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (1986) The Johnson Site: Precursor to Pinson Mounds? Tennessee Anthropologist 11(1):29-41.
Kwas, Mary L. and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (2007) Antiquarians’ Perspectives on Pinson Mounds Revisited: A Response to McNutt. Southeastern Archaeology 26(1):145-150.
Lawrence, William L. and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.
1993 Excavations at 40LK1, A Mississippian Substructural Mound in the Reelfoot Basin, Lake County, Tennessee. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 18(1):18-34.
Levithol, Sarah A., Michael C. Moore, and W. Steven Spears (2015) The Algood SR-42 Project: Report on Phase II Excavations in Putnam County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 18, Nashville.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1980) Archaeological Investigations at Ft. Pillow State Historic Area: 1976-78. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 4, Nashville.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1980) Archaeological Investigations at Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Area: 1974, 1975, and 1978 Field Seasons. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 1, Nashville.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1986) Pinson Mounds: A Middle Woodland Ceremonial Center. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 7, Nashville.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1986) Pre- and Early Marksville Ceramics and Chronology in the Mid-South: A Perspective from Pinson Mounds. In The Tchula Period in the Mid-South and Lower Mississippi Valley, edited by David H. Dye, pp. 52-62. Archaeological Report 17, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1988) Middle Woodland Ceremonialism at Pinson Mounds, Tennessee. American Antiquity 53(1):158-173.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1988) Pinson Mounds: Internal Chronology and External Relationships. In Middle Woodland Settlement and Ceremonialism in the Mid-South and Lower Mississippi Valley: Proceedings of the 1984 Mid-South Archaeological Conference Archaeological, edited by Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., pp. 132-146. Archaeological Report No. 22. Archaeological Report 17, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1988) Middle Woodland Settlement and Ceremonialism in the Mid-South and Lower Mississippi Valley: Proceedings of the 1984 Mid-South Archaeological Conference. Archaeological Report No. 22, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1994) Archaeological Investigations in the Obion River Drainage: the West Tennessee Tributaries Project. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 10, Nashville.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1996) Late Period Chronology in the Central Mississippi Valley: A Western Tennessee Perspective. Southeastern Archaeology 15(2):172-181.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1996) Pinson Mounds and the Middle Woodland Period in the Midsouth and Lower Mississippi Valley. In A View from the Core: A Conference Synthesizing Ohio Hopewell Archaeology, edited by Paul J. Pacheco, pp. 370-391. Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (1997) Putative Poverty Point Phases in Western Tennessee: A Reappraisal. Tennessee Anthropologist 22(1):72-91.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. (2013) Pinson Mounds: Middle Woodland Ceremonialism in the Midsouth. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr., John B. Broster, and Karen M. Johnson (1982) Recent Radiocarbon Determinations for the Pinson Mounds Site. Tennessee Anthropologist 7(1): 14-19.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and J. Shawn Chapman (1994) West Tennessee Ceramic Typology, Part I: Tchula and Middle Woodland Periods. Tennessee Anthropologist 19(2):148-179.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr., James W. Cogswell, Michael J. O'Brien, Hector Neff, and Michael D. Glascock (1997) Neutron Activation Analysis of Pottery from Pinson Mounds and Nearby Sites in Western Tennessee: Local Production vs. Long-Distance Importation. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 22(1):43-68.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and Mary L. Kwas. (1991) Bat Creek Stone: Judeans in Tennessee? Tennessee Anthropologist 16(1):1-19.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and Mary L. Kwas. (1993) The Bat Creek Stone Fraud: A Final Statement. Tennessee Anthropologist 18(2):87-93.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and Mary L. Kwas. (2004) The Bat Creek Stone Revisited: A Fraud Exposed. American Antiquity 69(4):761-769.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and Charles H. McNutt (2004) Calibrated Radiocarbon Chronology of Pinson Mounds and Middle Woodland in the Midsouth. Southeastern Archaeology 23(1):12-24.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and Michael C. Moore (1991) Archaeological Investigations at 40LK3 and Implications for Future Management Decisions at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeologist 16(2):180-197.
1998 Graves Lake: A Late Mississippian Period Village in Lauderdale County, Tennessee. In Changing Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Central Mississippi Valley, edited by Michael J. O’Brien and Robert C. Dunnell, pp. 99-123. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr., George W. Shannon, and Jack E. Tyler. (1985) 1983 Excavations at Pinson Mounds: The Twin Mounds. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 10(1):49-75.
Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. and Richard Walling (1992) 1989 Excavations at Pinson Mounds: Ozier Mound. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 17(1):112-136.
McNutt, Charles H. John B. Broster, and Mark R. Norton (2008) A Surface Collection from the Kirk Point Site (40HS174), Humphreys County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 3(1):25-76.
Miller, D. Shane, Thaddeus G. Bissett, Tanya M. Peres, David Anderson, Stephen B. Carmody, and Aaron Deter-Wolf (2019) Geoarchaeology and Bayesian Statistical Modeling of Radiocarbon Dates from 40CH171, a Multicomponent Shell-Bearing Site in Cheatham County, Tennessee. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee, edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Miller, D. Shane, John B. Broster, Gary L. Barker, David G. Anderson, and Stephen B. Carmody (2012) A Preliminary Report on the Sanders Site #1 (40CH193), Cheatham County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 6 (1 & 2): 31-39.
Moore, Michael C. (1989) A Review of the Tennessee State Cemetery Law and its Effect upon Archaeological Data Recovery and Site Preservation. Tennessee Anthropologist 14(1):64-76.
Moore, Michael C. (1998) An Updated Review of the Tennessee State Cemetery Law and Other Statutes Regarding Prehistoric Burial Removal. Tennessee Anthropologist 23(1-2):58-68.
Moore, Michael C. (2002 [1999]) Middle Woodland Settlement in the Upper Cumberland River Valley: An Example from Jackson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 24(1-2):60-77.
Moore, Michael C. (2004) Early Investigations at Gordontown (40DV6): Results of an 1877 Exploration Sponsored by the Peabody Museum at Harvard University. Tennessee Archaeology 1(1):58-68.
Moore, Michael C. (2005) The Brentwood Library Site: A Mississippian Town on the Little Harpeth River, Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 15, Nashville.
Moore, Michael C. (2006) A Nashville Style Shell Gorget from the Jarman Farm Site, Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 2(1):59-61.
Moore, Michael C. (2018) A Preliminary Assessment of Mississippian Settlement in the Little Harpeth River Watershed: The Inglehame Farm Site (40WM342) Revisited. Tennessee Archaeology 9(2):117-134.
Moore, Michael C. (2020) Celebrating a Milestone in 2020: The Tennessee Department of Archaeology Turns 50. Tennessee Conservationist Jan/Feb 2020.
Moore, Michael C. and Emanuel Breitburg (1998) Gordontown: Salvage Archaeology at a Mississippian Town in Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 11, Nashville.
Moore, Michael C., Emanuel Breitburg, John T. Dowd, C. Paris Stripling, and John B. Broster (1992) Archaeological Investigations at 40DV35: A Multicomponent Site in the Cumberland River Valley, Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 17:54-78.
Moore, Michael C., Emanuel Breitburg, Kevin E. Smith, and Mary Beth Trubitt (2006) One Hundred Years of Archaeology at Gordontown: A Fortified Mississippian Town in Middle Tennessee. Southeastern Archaeology 25(1):89-109.
Moore, Michael C., David H. Dye, and Kevin E. Smith (2016) WPA Excavations at the Mound Bottom and Pack Sites in Middle Tennessee, 1936-1940. In New Deal Archaeology in Tennessee: Intellectual, Methodological, and Theoretical Contributions, edited by David H. Dye, pp. 116-137. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Moore, Michael C., Mark R. Norton, and Kevin E. Smith (1992) Upland Archaeology in the Cumberland River Valley: An Analysis of Limited Test Excavations at 40DV256, Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 17(2):131-155.
Moore, Michael C. and Kevin E. Smith (1993) A Report on the 1992 Archaeological Investigations at the Brandywine Pointe Site (40DV247), Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 9, Nashville. Revised electronic edition edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf, 2018.
Moore, Michael C. and Kevin E. Smith (2001) Archaeological Excavations at the Rutherford-Kizer Site: A Mississippian Mound Center in Sumner County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 13, Nashville. Revised electronic edition edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf and Mike C. Moore, 2016
Moore, Michael C. and Kevin E. Smith (2009) Archaeological Expeditions of the Peabody Museum in Middle Tennessee, 1877-1884. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Research Series No. 16, Nashville.
Moore, Michael C., Kevin S. Smith, Aaron Deter-Wolf, and David E. Stuart (2016) A Retrospective Peek at the Career of John Bertram Broster. Tennessee Archaeology 8(1-2):8-23.
Moore, Michael C., C. Parris Stripling, John T. Dowd, and Richard D. Taylor, Jr. (1990) The Anderson Site Revisited: Results of Recent Investigations at 40WM9, Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 15(2):82-95.
Nance, Benjamin C. (1992) Historical Research and Archaeological Testing at the Cordell Hull Birthplace State Historic Site, Pickett County, Tennessee. M.A. Thesis, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Nance, Benjamin C. (2004) A Survey of Sites Related to the American Revolution and War of 1812 in Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 16, Nashville
Nance, Benjamin C. (2005) Test Excavations on Roper’s Knob: A Fortified Union Signal Station in Franklin, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 10, Nashville.
Nance, Benjamin C. (2006) Archaeological Investigations on Ropers Knob: A Fortified Civil War Site in Williamson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 2(2):83-106
Nance, Benjamin C. (2007) An Archaeological Survey of World War II Military Sites in Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 13, Nashville.
Nance, Benjamine C., and Sarah Levithol Eckhardt (2015) Archaeological Survey of Tennessee's Rosenwald Schools. Poster presented at the 2015 National Rosenwald Schools Conference, Durham, North Carolina.
Norton, Mark R. (2008) Obsidian Research in Tennessee and Alabama. Tennessee Archaeology 3(2):123-130.
Norton, Mark R. and John B. Broster (1992) 40HS200: The Nuckolls Extension Site. Tennessee Anthropologist 17:13-32.
Norton, Mark R. and John B. Broster (1992) The Puckett Site (40SW228): A Paleoindian/Early Archaic Occupation on the Cumberland River, Stewart County, Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 9:34-35.
Norton, Mark R. and John B. Broster (1993) Archaeological Investigations at the Puckett Site (40SW228): A Paleoindian/Early Archaic Occupation on the Cumberland River, Stewart County, Tennessee. Tennessee Anthropologist 18(1):45-58.
Norton, Mark R. and John B. Broster (2004) The Sogom Site (40DV68): A Mississippian Farmstead on Cockrill Bend, Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 1(1):2-17.
Norton, Mark R. and John B. Broster (2008) An Overview of Paleoindian Lithics at the Carson-Conn-Short Site (40BN190), Benton County, Tennessee. Current Research in the Pleistocene 25:125-127.
Norton, Mark R., John B. Broster, and Emanuel Breitburg (1998) The Trull Site (40PY276). Current Research in the Pleistocene 15:50-51.
Norton, Mark R. and Kevin E. Smith (2015) The Special Needs Prison Project: Archaeological Investigations at Four Sites in Cockrill Bend, Davidson County, Tennessee. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Archaeology, Report of Investigations No. 17, Nashville.
O’Brien, Michael J., James W. Cogswell, Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., Hector Neff, and Michael D. Glascock (1995) Neutron-Activation Analysis of Campbell Appliquéd Pottery from Southeastern Missouri and Western Tennessee: Implications for Late Mississippian Intersite Relations. Southeastern Archaeology 14(2):181-94.
Peres, Tanya M. and Aaron Deter-Wolf (2016) The Shell-Bearing Archaic in the Middle Cumberland River Valley. Southeastern Archaeology 35(3):237-250.
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