Tennessee Archaeology e-journal
The journal Tennessee Archaeology was created from discussions at the 2003 and 2004 Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology events. It is produced in full-color in Adobe PDF format and provided on-line as an electronic format print journal. Tennessee Archaeology is a fully peer-reviewed enterprise. Correspondence about manuscripts for the journal should be addressed to the Editorial Coordinators. Information on editorial, procedural and stylistic policies may be found here.
Editorial Coordinators
Kevin E. Smith
Middle Tennessee State University
Phil Hodge
Tennessee Division of Archaeology
Current Issue
Volume 10, Issue 2 (December 11, 2020)
- Editors Corner, by Kevin E. Smith, Michael C. Moore, and Phillip Hodge (pg. 77)
- "Antiquarian Investigations and Archaeological Testing at the Glass Mounds Site (40WM3), Williamson County, Tennessee," by Aaron Deter-Wolf and Kevin E. Smith (pg. 85)
- "Tennessee-Cumberland Triskele Gorgets: Distribution, Chronology, and Interpretation," by Kevin E. Smith (pg. 109)
- "The Archaeological Legacy of Mack S. Prichard, Jr. (1939-2020): A Tribute," by Kevin E. Smith (pg. 143)
- "Expanding the Prehistoric Rock Art Database of the Midsouth 2010: New Sites in Tennessee and North Georgia," by Jan F. Simek, Alan Cressler, Sarah C. Sherwood, and Sierra Bow (pg. 175)
Past Issues of Tennessee Archaeology
- Editors Corner by Kevin E. Smith and Michael C. Moore (pg. 1)
- "Our Lady of the Cumberland: Styles, Distribution, and Community" by Robert V. Sharp (pg. 7)
- "Plants and Ritual: The Botanical Assemblage from the Middle Woodland Components at the Yearwood Site (40LN16), Lincoln County, Tennessee" By Brian M. Butler and Kathryn E. Parker (pg 38)
- "Prehistoric Rock Art Research in Tennessee 2008" by Jan F. Simek, Joseph C. Douglas, Sarah C. Sherwood, and Alan Cressler (pg. 58)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 81) by Kevin E. Smith and Michael C. Moore
- "Introduction to the Special Issue" by J. Scott Jones (pg. 87)
- "Interpretation of the Structure and Variation of Middle Cumberland Mississippian Stone-Box Cemeteries" by J. Scott Jones (pg. 89)
- "Return to the Great Mound Group: 2016 Investigations at Mound Bottom State Archaeological Area" by Aaron Deter-Wolf, Sunny Fleming, and Sarah Levithol Eckhardt (pg. 103)
- "A Preliminary Assessment of Mississippian Settlement in the Little Harpeth River Watershed: The Inglehame Farm Site (40WM342) Revisited" by Michael C. Moore (pg. 117)
- "The Copper Creek Site (40SU317): A Multicomponent Mortuary Site in Goodlettsville, Sumner County, Tennessee" by Sarah Levithol Eckhardt and Hannah Guidry (pg. 135)
- "Relationships and Trauma: Lived Perspectives at Averbuch" by Giovanna M. Vidoli and Heather Worne (pg. 156)
- "Middle Cumberland Mississippian Archaeology: Past, Present, and Future Directions" by Kevin E. Smith and Michael C. Moore (pg. 170)
- "Five New Prehistoric Cave Art Sites in Tennessee 2005" by Jan Simek, Alan Cressler, Joseph C. Douglas, Stuart Carroll, Ken Oeser, Annette Oeser, and Amy Wallace (pg. 201)
- Editors Corner (pg. 1)
- "Palynological and Chemical Analyses of Prehistoric Pipe Residue as Evidence of Tobacco Use in Tennessee" by Stephen B. Carmody, Maria A. Caffrey, Belinda S. Lady, and Sally P. Horn (pg. 5)
- "The Kelley's Battery Site (40DV392): Archaeological Investigations at a Middle Cumberland Mississippian Village" by J. Scott Jones (pg. 16)
- "New Cave and Rock Art Research 2015" by Jan Simek, Alan Cressler, Sarah C. Sherwood, Kristen Bobo, Sierra M. Bow, Joseph Douglas, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Reynolds (pg. 58)
- "Nancy Lewis Ladd (1926-2015): In Memoriam" by Marlin F. Hawley and David H. Dye (pg. 77)
- Editors Corner (pg. 1)
- "The Old Man and the Pleistocene: John Broster and Paleoindian Period Archaeology in the Mid-South- Introduction to the Special Volume" by D. Shane Miller and Jesse W. Tune (pg. 4)
- "A Retrospective Peek at the Career of John Bertram Broster" by Michael C. Moore, Kevin S. Smith, Aaron Deter-Wolf, and David E. Stuart (pg. 8)
- "The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Record in Tennessee: A Review of the Tennessee Fluted Point Survey" by Jesse W. Tune. (pg. 24)
- "Quantifying Regional Variation in Terminal Pleistocene Assemblages from the Lower Tennessee River Valley Using Chert Sourcing" by Ryan M. Parish and Adam Finn (pg. 42)
- "A Preliminary Report in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology of Rock Creek Mortar Shelter, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee" by Jay Franklin, Maureen Hays, Frederic Surmely, Ilaria Patania, Lucinda Langston, and Travis Bow (pg. 59)
- "Colonization After Clovis: Using the Ideal Free Distribution to Interpret the Distribution of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeological Sites in the Duck River Valley, Tennessee" by D. Shane Miller and Stephen B. Carmody (pg. 78)
- "The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Hilltop Occupations at the Topper Site" by Derek T. Anderson, Ashley M. Smallwood, Albert C. Goodyear, and Sarah E. Walters (pg. 102)
- "Clovis Blade Technology and Tool Use along the South Atlantic Coastal Plain and Piedmont of the Lower Southeast" by Douglas Sain and Albert C. Goodyear (pg. 114)
- "Making a Difference: John B. Broster and Paleoindian Archaeology in Tennessee" by David G. Anderson (pg. 132)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 103)
- "‘No Terms But Unconditional Surrender’: Archaeological and Geophysical Assessment of the Fort Donelson Confederate Monument Landscape, Stewart County, Tennessee" by Shawn M. Patch, Christopher T. Espenshade, Sarah Lowry, and Patrick Severts (pg. 110)
- "Thomas M.N. Lewis: The Making of a New Deal-Era Tennessee Valley Archaeologist" by Marlin F. Hawley and David H. Dye (pg. 141)
- "Qualls Cave (40RB2): A Multi-Component Site Overlooking the Red River, Robertson County, Tennessee" by John T. Dowd (pg. 180)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 1)
- "Subadult Health and Mortality at Gordontown: The Possible Effects of Weaning and Agriculture" by Kellum K. Everett (pg. 5)
- "Linville Cave (40SL24) Revisited: Multiple Lines of Evidence to Address Assemblage Formation" by Meagan E. Dennison, Jay D. Franklin, Maureen A. Hays, and S.D. Dean (pg. 18)
- "Tennessee’s Ancient Pygmy Graveyards: The “Wonder of the Western Country”" by Kevin E. Smith (pg. 42)
- "X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Two Metal Beads from the David Davis Farm Site (40HA301), Hamilton County, Tennessee" by Sarah A. Blankenship, Bruce Kaiser, and Michael C. Moore (pg. 76)
- "Negative Painted Plates and Bowls from the Middle Cumberland Region of Tennessee" by Emily L. Beahm and Kevin E. Smith (pg. 83)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 1)
- "Recent Research in the Middle Cumberland River Valley: Introduction to the Special Volume" by Aaron Deter-Wolf and Tanya M. Peres (pg. 5)
- "A Flood of Looters: Endangered Mississippian Resources along the Middle Cumberland River" by Danny Gregory (pg. 18)
- "A Preliminary Report on the Sanders #1 Site (40CH193), Cheatham County, Tennessee" by D. Shane Miller, John B. Broster, Gary L. Barker, David G. Anderson, and Stephen B. Carmody (pg. 31)
- "Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Multicomponent Shell-Bearing Site in Davidson County, Tennessee" by Tanya M. Peres, Aaron Deter-Wolf, and Gage A. Myers (pg. 40)
- "Radiocarbon Dates from Three Sites along the Middle Cumberland River near Nashville" by D. Shane Miller, David G. Anderson, Thaddeus G. Bissett, and Stephen B. Carmody (pg. 53)
- "The Harpeth Shoals Marina Site (40CH195): A Terminal Archaic Fire-Cracked Rock Complex on the Cumberland River, Cheatham County, Tennessee" by Marc E. Wampler and Larry McKee (pg. 73)
- "Cockrills Bend Site 17C: A Reprint from the SIAS Journal 1972" by John T. Dowd and John B. Broster (pg. 95)
- "Changing Interpretations of Sandbar Village (40DV36): Mississippian Hamlet, Village or Mound Center?" by Kevin E. Smith and Michael C. Moore (pg. 105)
- "Skeletal Evidence of Aquatic Activities from a Middle Cumberland Mississippian Site in Davidson County, Tennessee" by Courtney L. Cox (pg. 139)
- "Mississippian Ceramics and Settlement Complexity: Insights from the Beasley Mounds (40SM43), Smith County, Tennessee" by Emily L. Beahm and Kevin E. Smith (pg. 149)
- "Discovery and Early Investigations of the Dover Quarries by Parmenio E. Cox and Warren K. Moorehead, 1926-1932" by Kevin E. Smith (pg. 164)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 127)
- "Pests in the Garden: Testing the Garden-Hunting Model at the Rutherford-Kizer Site, Sumner County, Tennessee" by Jennifer M. Clinton and Tanya M. Peres (pg. 131)
- "Excavations and Dating of Late Pleistocene and Paleoindian Deposits at the Coats-Hines Site, Williamson County, Tennessee" by Aaron Deter-Wolf, Jesse W. Tune, and John B. Broster (pg. 142)
- "The Ames Site (40FY7): A Very Unobtrusive Mississippian Settlement Located in Southwestern Tennessee" by Andrew M. Michelson and Eric Goddard (pg. 157)
- "Recovery and Reburial of the Remains of an Unknown Civil War Soldier, Franklin, Tennessee" by Samuel D. Smith and Larry R. McKee (pg. 173)
- Editor's Corner (pg.1)
- "A Summary of Exploratory and Salvage Archaeological Investigations at the Brick Church Pike Mound Site (40DV39), Davidson County, Tennessee" by Gary Barker and Carl Kuttruff (pg. 5)
- "New Perspectives on Late Woodland Architecture and Settlement in Eastern Tennessee: Evidence from the DeArmond Site (40RE12)" by Lynne P. Sullivan and Shannon D. Koerner (pg. 31)
- "X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of a Mississippian Greenstone Celt Cache from Giles County, Tennessee" by C. Andrew Buchner (pg. 51)
- "The Nashville Smilodon: An Account of the 1971 First American Center Site Investigations in Davidson County, Tennessee" by John T. Dowd (pg. 65)
- "Descriptions of Five Dover Chert Quarries in Stewart County, Tennessee" by Ryan Parish (pg. 83)
- "Zooarchaeological Remains from the 1998 Fewkes Site Excavations, Williamson County, Tennessee" by Tanya M. Peres (pg. 100)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 1)
- "Colleague, Mentor, and Friend: Essays in Honor of Charles H. Faulkner" by Timothy E. Baumann and Mark D. Groover (pg.2)
- "Sifting through the Backdirt: An Interview with Charles H. Faulkner" by Timothy E. Baumann and Charles H. Faulkner (pg. 13)
- "Understanding Historic Farmstead Continuity and Change Using Human Behavioral Ecology" by Todd M. Ahlman (pg. 25)
- "Camps Tolerably Well Policed: Artifact Patterns and Feature Function at the Florence Stockade" by Paul G. Avery (pg. 48)
- "The Web of Cultural Identity: A Case Study of African-American Identity and "Soul Food"" by Timothy E. Baumann (pg.66)
- "Early Archaic Raw Material Use Patterns in Tennessee" by Andrew P. Bradbury and Philip J. Carr (pg. 94)
- "Social Change and Neighborhood Transformations in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: The Urban Archaeology of Three Communities in the Ohio Valley" by Tanya A. Faberson and Jennifer L. Barber (pg. 117)
- "Archaeological Explorations of the Workshop Rock Shelter, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee" by Jay Franklin and Sierra Bow (pg. 145)
- "Exploring Hoosier Material Culture: Landscape and Architectural Archaeology at the Moore-Youse House and Huddleston Farmstead" by Mark. D. Groover (pg. 162)
- "Preliminary Efforts toward a Cultural Resource Survey of the Charcoal-Based Iron Industry in East Tennessee, ca. 1770-1890" by C. Alan Longmire (pg. 180)
- "New Cave and Rock Art Sites in Tennessee: 2007" by Jan Simek, Sarah A. Blankenship, Nicholas P. Herrmann, Sarah C. Sherwood, and Alan Cressler (pg. 194)
- "Buffalo Rock (11JS49): A Historic Period Native American Rock Art Site in Johnson County, Illinois" by Mark J. Wagner, Mary R. McCorvie, and Charles A. Swedlund (pg. 211)
- "Cradle of the Middle Class?: Ceramic and Architectural Analysis of Two Southeastern Urban Households" by Amy L. young (pg. 229)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 101)
- "Brick Making as a Local Industry in Antebellum Kentucky and Tennessee" by Tanya M. Peres and Jessica B. Connatser (pg. 105)
- "Obsidian Research in Tennessee and Alabama: by Mark R. Norton (pg. 123)
- "An Analysis of Obsidian and Other Archaeological Materials from the Southeast Portion of Neelys Bend on the Cumberland River, Davidson County, Tennessee" by Bobby R. Braly and Jeremy L. Sweat (pg. 131)
- "Evidence of Prehistoric Violent Trauma from a Cave in Middle Tennessee" by Shannon C. Hodge and Hugh E. Berryman (pg. 139)
- "New Finds of Paleoindian and Early Archaic Sites along Sulphur Fork in Montgomery County, Tennessee" by Aaron Deter-Wolf and John B. Broster (pg. 157)
- "The Cumberland Stone-Box Burials of Middle Tennessee." by John T. Dowd (pg. 163)
- "The Nelson Site: A Late Middle Woodland Habitation Locale on the Nolichucky River, Washington County, Tennessee" by Jay D. Franklin, Michelle L. Hammett, and Renee B. Walker (pg. 181)
- "Recent Research at the Ames Mound Complex, an Early Mississippian Site in Southwest Tennessee" by Andrew M. Mickelson (pg. 201)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 1)
- "Evidence for Early Mississippian Settlement of the Nashville Basin: Archaeological Explorations at the Spencer Site (40DV191)" by W. Steve Spears, Michael C. Moore, and Kevin E. Smith (pg. 3)
- "A Surface Collection from the Kirk Point Site (40HS174), Humphreys County, Tennessee" by Charles H. McNutt, John B. Broster, and Mark R. Norton (pg. 25)
- "Two Mississippian Burial Clusters at Travellers’ Rest, Davidson County, Tennessee" by Daniel Sumner Allen IV (pg. 77)
- "Luminescence Dates and Woodland Ceramics from Rock Shelters on the Upper Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee" by Jay D. Franklin (pg. 87)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 62)
- "The Archaeology of Linville Cave (40SL24), Sullivan County, Tennessee" by Jay D. Franklin and S.D. Dean (pg. 63)
- "Archaeological Investigations on Ropers Knob: A Fortified Civil War Site in Williamson County, Tennessee" by Benjamin C. Nance (pg. 83)
- "Deep Testing Methods in Alluvial Environments: Coring vs Trenching on the Nolichucky River" by Sarah C. Sherwood and James J. Kocis (pg. 107)
- "A Preliminary Analysis of Clovis through Early Archaic Components at the Widemeier Site (40DV9), Davidson County, Tennessee" by John B. Broster, Mark R. Norton, Bobby Hulan, and Ellis Durham (pg. 120)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 1)
- "Archaeological Investigation of a Mississippian Period Structure in the Loess Hill Bluffs of Shelby County, Tennessee" by Gary Barker (pg. 3)
- "Middle Archaic through Mississippian Occupations at Site 40DR226 along the Tennessee River in Decatur County" by Aaron Deter-Wolf and Josh Tuschl (pg. 19)
- "A Radiocarbon Chronology for Mound A [Unit 5] at Chucalissa in Memphis, Tennessee" by Jay D. Franklin and Todd D. McCurdy (pg. 32)
- "Some Reflections on the Lower Mississippi Valley: 1948-1997" by Stephen Williams (pg. 46)
- "A Nashville Style Shell Gorget from the Jarman Farm Site, Williamson County, Tennessee" by Michael C. Moore (pg. 59)
- Editor's Corner (pg. 69)
- "Architectural Sequencing at the Samuel Doak Plantation, Greeneville, Tennessee" by Nicholas Honerkamp (pg. 71)
- "Working on the Railroad: Investigations of the M&O and L&N Terminal Site, Memphis, Tennessee" by Pattrick H. Garrow (pg. 94)
- "The Eugene Woods Clovis Point" by Charles H. McNutt (pg. 125)
- "Salvage of an Eroding Feature at the Tellico Blockhouse, Tellico Reservoir, Monroe County, Tennessee" by Todd M. Ahlman, Daniel L. Marcel, Nicholas P. Hermann, and Bradley A. Creswell (pg. 127)
- "Introducing a New Journal" by Kevin E. Smith and Michael C. Moore (pg. 1)
- "The Sogom Site (40DV68): A Mississippian Farmstead on Cockrill Bend, Davidson County, Tennessee" by Mark R. Norton and John B. Broster (pg. 2)
- "The Ensworth School Site (40DV184): A Middle Archaic Benton Occupation along the Harpeth River Drainage in Middle Tennessee" by Aaron Deter-Wolf (pg. 18)
- "Fieldwork at Swallow Bluff Island Mounds (40HR16) in 2003" by Paul D. Welch (pg. 36)
- "Interior Incised Plates and Bowls from the Nashville Basin of Tennessee" by Kevin E. Smith, Daniel Brock, and Christopher Hogan (pg. 49)
- "Early Investigations at Gordontown (40DV6): Results of an 1877 Exploration Sponsored by the Peabody Museum at Harvard University" by Michael C. Moore (pg. 58)