Tennessee Department of Transportation Archaeology Publications
No. 1. Bentz, Charles, Jr. (editor). 1995.
The Aenon Creek Site (40MU493): Late Archaic, Middle Woodland and Historic Settlement and Subsistence in the Middle Duck River Drainage of Tennessee. TDOA Miscellaneous Publication No. 1.
No. 2. Bentz, Charles, Jr. (editor). 1996.
The Bailey Site (40GL26): Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, and Historic Settlement and Subsistence in the Lower Elk River Drainage of Tennessee. TDOA Miscellaneous Publication No. 2.
No. 3. Bentz, Charles, Jr. (editor). 1997.
Archaeological Investigations at the Forbus Site (40FN122): An Unplowed Multicomponent site in the Eastern Highland Rim of Tennessee. TDOA Miscellaneous Publication No. 5.
No. 4. Waver, Guy G. (editor). 1999.
Archaeological Investigations at Three Sites near Arlington, State Route 385 (Paul Barrett Parkway), Shelby County, TN.
No. 5. Smith, Gerald P. (editor). 1999.
Archaeological Investigations of Site 40WY87, Wayne County, Tennessee.
No. 6. McKelway, Henry S. (editor). 2000
Slaves and Master in the Upland South: Data Recovery at the Mabry Site (40KN86), Knox County, Tennessee.
No. 7. Walling, Richard, Lawrence Alexander, and Evan Peacock (editors). 2000.
The Jefferson Street Bridge Project: Archaeological Investigations at the East Nashville Mounds Site (40DV4) and the French Lick/Sulphur Dell Site (40DV5) in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee. (3 Vols.).
No. 8. Bentz, Chrales, Jr. (editor). 2001
Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology in Rhea and Roane Counties, Tennessee: 40RH155, 40RH156, 40RE192.
No. 9. Meyers, Spence C., Hugh B. Matternes, Betty J. Duggan, and Charles Bentz (editors). 2001.
Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology in Hancock County, Tennessee: 40HK5, 40HK6, 40HK7, 40HK9.
No. 10. Gardner, Jeffrey W., and Marian Roberts. 2003
Phase II Archival Investigations of 40RD222 and 40WM178, 840 Highway Corridor Rutherford and Williamson Counties, Tennessee.
No. 11. Longmire, Alan C. (editor). 2003.
Westview Plantation (40WM178) Archaeological Investigations of a Middle Tennessee Antebellum Site in Triune, Williamson County, Tennessee.
No. 12. Wampler, Marc, Raymond Ezell, Larry McKee, and David Leigh (editors). 2004.
Archaeological Investigations at the Stardust Site (40CY63), 2 (40CY64), and 3 (40CY65), Clay County, Tennessee.
No. 13. Barker, Gary, and Gerald Kline. 2013
Archaeological Investigations at Kellytown (40WM10): A Fortified Late Mississippian Village in Middle Tennessee's Harpeth River Drainage, Davidson and Williamson Counties, Tennessee.