Southeast Regional EV Information Exchange
The Southeastern states acknowledge the following key regional opportunities associated with electric vehicles (EVs) and seek to collectively foster the growth of EV adoption within the region:
- Increased deployment of EVs can benefit the Southeast by providing new economic opportunities, reducing transportation costs for households and businesses, increasing mobility options, allowing the convenience of charging at home and at work, meeting air quality standards, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
- The Southeast is home to a strong automotive sector that includes headquarters, auto parts manufacturing, and assembly plants;
- Facilitating access to EVs and charging infrastructure supports the tourism and recreation sectors in the Southeast, including in small towns and rural or underserved communities;
- Equitable access to EVs and charging infrastructure ensures that the economic and environmental benefits of EVs accrue to communities that are rural, economically disadvantaged or underserved, disproportionately burdened by environmental impacts, or are otherwise vulnerable;
- EVs can contribute to building a safer, cleaner, more affordable, and more resilient transportation system that reduces fuel imports and keeps energy dollars in state;
- Supporting the growth and development of cross-state compatibility in EV infrastructure can contribute to a safer, cleaner, more affordable, and more resilient transportation system; and
- Regional collaboration is mutually beneficial to residents and businesses in participating states, as it can promote a seamless, cross-state driving experience; increase public awareness of EVs; and facilitate the sharing of best practices.
In PY2020-2021, the Southeast Regional EV Information Exchange will convene on a bi-monthly (every other month) basis to provide a coordination touch point for Southeast State Energy Offices (SEOs) to share information and best practices as well as to identify potential areas for collaboration on topics including, but not limited to: EV infrastructure planning (siting and securing of site hosts, permitting, pricing, signage, minimum operating standards, accessibility, ownership models, etc.), education and outreach, policy development, and program implementation.
This Information Exchange will foster ideas on how to promote electric transportation solutions in communities that are rural, low-income, or that face disproportionate air quality burdens; the role of EV infrastructure during evacuations; and considerations with regard to the use of EVs to build resiliency into power supply delivery. The group will also coordinate with and/or leverage available resources from the National Association of State Energy Officials and the Duke Nicholas Institute, specifically with regard to facilitation, technical assistance, and research.
Throughout the process, each SEO will identify stakeholders to engage and keep apprised of the group’s efforts. Each participating SEO will also develop an interagency coordination process within their state to leverage existing resources and efforts where feasible (e.g., EV infrastructure buildout as supported by the Volkswagen Diesel Settlement, the Highway Infrastructure Program, or the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, State Department of Transportation EV corridor and infrastructure mapping/planning, State motor fleet EV purchasing procedures, pooling EV purchasing power with local governments, etc.).