Contact the Division of Remediation

Our offices are open Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm local time except holidays. If you are interested in discussing a site or a program with us, please contact us.  If you are unsure who to speak with in the Division of Remediation, contact our Central Office at 615-532-0900. 

If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.

State of Tennessee Counties & Three Divisions

Division of Remediation Central Office

TDEC-Division of Remediation
Davy Crockett Tower, 7th Floor
500 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 532-0900
(615) 532-0938 (fax)

Environmental Field Offices

The Division of Remediation operates through regions based on the county the project is in. You can use the map above to determine the appropriate field office for your location. The Division of Remediation has staff in the following environmental field offices:

West Region

Merrie Salyers
West Region Manager

8383 Wolf Lake Dr.
Bartlett, TN 38133-4119
(901) 371-3000
(901) 371-3170 (fax)

1625 Hollywood Drive
Jackson, TN 38305
(731) 512-1300
(731) 661-6283 (fax)

Middle Region

Ken Johnson
Middle Region Manager

711 R. S. Gass Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 687-7000
(615) 687-7078 (fax)

East Region

Christina McNaughton
East Region Manager

3711 Middlebrook Pike,
Knoxville, TN 37921
(865) 594-6035
(865) 594-6105 (fax)

1301 Riverfront Pkwy, Suite 206
Chattanooga, TN 37402
(423) 634-5745
(423) 634-6389 (fax)

Oak Ridge Reservation Project

Oak Ridge*
761 Emory Valley Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865) 481-0995
(865) 482-1835 (fax)

*DOE Oak Ridge Reservation projects only.

Division of Remediation Senior Management Team

Steve Sanders - Director, Division of Remediation - 615-922-8642

Robin L. Heriges - Deputy Director, Central Office Operations - 615-630-0943

Evan W. Spann - Deputy Director, Field Office Operations - 615-917-5572

Dana Casey - Senior Advisor, Oak Ridge Operations - 865-310-0253

Subject Contact

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