Former Blaylock and Brown Construction, Inc. Class III Landfill

The Former Blaylock and Brown Construction, Inc. (EPLEX) Class III Landfill is located in Shelby County at 10636 Shelton Road, Collierville, Tennessee.

Blaylock and Brown Construction, Inc. (BBC) has held a Class III Landfill permit at this facility since 1999. On December 14, 2022, due to unforeseen circumstances which occurred in 2022, BBC advised TDEC that there were not enough funds to continue operations or to follow through with permitted closure and post-closure obligations. TDEC immediately began working with remaining facility personnel to cover any exposed areas of waste with soil and put the landfill into an interim closure status. TDEC then began working on collecting information to use for a final cap closure plan and engineering design. 

As stated above, TDEC is working on the closure of the facility. A public meeting was held on June 26, 2023, to discuss the preliminary construction plans for the facility. The slides from that presentation can be viewed hereTDEC plans to complete the grading portion of the closure in 2023 and the final closure construction in the calendar year 2024. It is anticipated that the final closure will be completed by year-end 2024.

TDEC will provide facility closure and post-closure information and updates through this website. Construction updates, groundwater reports, presentation slides, and other information have been collected below for easy reference. Additional information on the facility’s permit history can be viewed here.

Update: July 26, 2024 – Phase II Construction

Construction of the final cap (Phase II) of Blaylock and Brown Landfill will commence August 15. The construction is expected to be complete in October of 2025.  During that time, the contractor will be constructing enhanced stormwater infrastructure, verifying the existing 12-inches of cover (placing material where necessary), placing eighteen inches of low permeability compacted clay, placing twelve inches of vegetative cover and vegetating the landfill footprint (a total of 42-inches of earthen material).  It is not anticipated that waste will be encountered during the construction and odors are not expected. If odors are encountered, the contractor will utilize an odor-neutralizing agent to remediate the odors. It is anticipated that approximately 165,000 cubic yards of soil will be imported to the site over the duration of the project.  The contractor will work with the Town of Collierville to ensure that truck traffic travels along the most appropriate route to avoid traffic disruptions.  This information was presented during a town hall meeting on July 11, 2024.  The slides from that presentation can be found here.


Update: August 31, 2023 - Construction 

Regrading of the top deck to promote drainage commenced on August 14th.  Through August 25th, approximately 30,000 cubic yards of stockpiled material was moved into the landfill.  During that time, our contractor deployed over 3,000 gallons of odor-neutralizing agent in an attempt to counter some of the potential odors that are escaping the sort pile.  Our contractors will continue to evaluate and use the odor-neutralizing agent to minimize off-site odors as the sort pile is incorporated into the landfill.  Based on the progress through August 31st, our estimates show us being about 30% complete for the Phase I project and close to 50% complete in moving the sort pile into the landfill.

Update: November 1, 2023

  • As of October 27, Phase I of the closure of the Blaylock & Brown Class III Landfill has been completed.  Phase I included relocation of wastes outside of the footprint into the landfill, covering with a minimum of one foot of intermediate cover, and revegetation.  The project was completed ahead of schedule and all disturbed areas have been seeded for revegetation. TDEC will continue twice weekly inspections until vegetation is established and other inspections after vegetation is established.
  • A final closure system has been selected for the E-Plex Landfill.  An environmentally protective, regulatory prescribed Class III soil cap will be used as the final closure system for the facility.  Based on the volume of soils required for this 70-acre project, it’s estimated that the project may extend into the 2025 calendar year.  The design for this Cap System is currently underway.  DSWM expects to have the design completed by the end of 2023, with a bid package developed in early 2024, and Contractor selection before May 2024.  It is our goal to have this project under construction by late April / early May 2024.

TDEC will discuss with the Town of Collierville whether another public meeting is appropriate for the Phase II project and if there is interest will hold another meeting in early 2024 to present the details of the final closure design and construction.

This Class III Landfill was permitted for the disposal of landscaping/land clearing waste, and construction and demolition wastes. Operations ceased in November 2023, and TDEC is preparing the landfill for closure by regrading the landfill in 2023 with final closure construction slated to occur in 2024.

Email Date Subject
Notice of Section of Phase I Contractor
9/18/2024 IFC Drawings
9/18/2024 Proposed Haul Route
Brian Wolf

This Page Last Updated: September 18, 2024 at 1:57 PM