Division of Water Resources
TDEC is responsible for managing, protecting and enhancing the quality of the state's water resources through voluntary, regulatory and educational programs.
The Division of Water Resources is the administrative agent for key Tennessee Statutes, Rules and Regulations:
Water Quality Control Act, regulating surface waters in Tennessee (Water Pollution Control Rules), Tennessee Safe Drinking Water Act, regulating the quality and quantity of drinking water in the state (Safe Drinking Water Supply Rules), Safe Dams Act, regulating the construction of non-federal dams (Safe Dams Rules), Water Wells Act, regulating the licensing of well drillers and pump setters (Well Rules), Water Withdrawal Registration Act, requiring the registration of water withdrawal.
You can access the Tennessee Code Annotated for the statutes above.
Drinking Water Program, Wellhead Protection Program,Underground Injection Control, Source Water Assessment
Watershed Planning, including the watershed management approach, our assessment process, monitoring program, advisories and TMDL Program
Septic Systems, Septic Installers & Pumpers, Approved Soil Consultants
Water Quality Laws & Rules, Planning Documents, Water Quality Assessment Publications, Technical & Engineering Documents
Rulemaking, Public Participation Opportunities, Permit Public Notices
Clean Water SRF Program, Drinking Water SRF Program, Priority Ranking, Planning, Design & Construction
During drought conditions, we will provide current listings of water systems with drought plans in process, along with links with more information to assist citizens during a dry season.
TN POP includes free programs operated by TDEC DWR that provides resources to support water and wastewater operators in achieving optimization in plant operation, energy use and nutrient removal for their facilities through low-and-no-cost measures.
Operator Training & Certification Services, Schedule of Classes, Course Books & Reference Materials
TDEC's Calendar of Events
If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.
This Page Last Updated: July 19, 2019 at 8:54 AM