TNPOP Additional Resources

This page provides links to supporting resources such as planning resources, checklists of low-to-no-cost measures for achieving plant optimization, best practices, and audit checklists.

SWIFT Accelerator, Low-to-No-Cost Measures List

  • This chart provides a list of low-to-no-cost measures that wastewater operators can consider to efficiently promote plant optimization.

EPA’s Planning for Sustainability, A Handbook for Water and Wastewater Utilities

  • This handbook describes a number of steps utilities can undertake to enhance their existing planning processes to ensure that water infrastructure investments are cost-effective over their life cycle, resource efficient, and support other community goals.

EPA’s Water Infrastructure Financial Leadership

  • This document provides a planning framework for community leaders to plan for and develop sound water infrastructure.

American Water Works Association (AWWA) Self-Assessment for Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization

  • This audit tool assists operators in assessing the optimization of wastewater treatment plants, including improving effluent water quality, providing a margin of safety beyond current regulatory requirements, and limiting consumption of natural resources. Tennessee wastewater plants must complete AWWA’s M36 audit on an annual basis and submit the results to the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office. The M36 audit tool provides recommendations for next steps and low-to-no-cost measures that operators can take to improve accuracy of measurement at drinking water facilities and to reduce non-revenue water, saving money and time and increasing capacity of treatment facilities.

EPA's Vulnerability Self Assessment Tool (VSAT)

  • This tool allows drinking water and wastewater utilities to perform risk assessment to identify the highest risks to mission-critical operations and to find the most cost-effective measures to reduce those risks.

EPA Online Drinking Water Classes

  • One request EPA consistently receives is the need for training on topics ranging from rules training to technical issues. An online training system has been developed; it is self-paced and provides an overview of the NPDWRs and is available to anyone interested in learning about drinking water regulations. This training system in unique because the participant creates an account, selects a curriculum, and the training system tracks their progress. Once a curriculum is completed, the participant may print out a certificate of completion. Online training system also includes training modules that focus on sustainability topics, including Capacity Development, Asset Management, Assessing Financial Capacity, Operator Certification, and Drinking Water Program Collaboration.

EPA Creating Resilient Water Utilities Initiative

  • This EPA-based initiative provides drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities with practical tools, training, and technical assistance needed to prepare for drought, hurricanes, and other extreme weather events. Through a comprehensive planning process, CRWU assists water sector utilities by promoting a clear understanding of potential long-term adaptation options for decision-making infrastructure financing.

EPA’s Water Infrastructure Financial Leadership

  • This document provides a planning framework for community leaders to plan for and develop sound water infrastructure.

Southwest Environmental Finance Center’s Reference Guide for Asset Management Inventory and Risk Analysis for Drinking Water

  • This reference guide identifies the type of information to be collected and analyzed by drinking water systems as part of asset management.

EPA's Vulnerability Self Assessment Tool (VSAT)

  • This tool allows drinking water and wastewater utilities to perform risk assessment to identify the highest risks to mission-critical operations and to find the most cost-effective measures to reduce those risks. 

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

For an Energy Audit, please contact the Tennessee Association of Utility Districts (TAUD)or The Tennessee Tech Industrial Assessment Center (TT-IAC)

Water Research Foundation

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

  • The Power Resilience Guide for Water and Wastewater Utilities provides guidance for utilities in achieving power resilience through communication, planning, and infrastructure changes for short-term and long-term power loss scenarios. The Guide also provides case studies.

Dr. Larry Moore, Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis

For any questions regarding the model or user's manual, please contact Dr. Larry Moore.

Clean Water Ops

  • Clean Water Ops has provided services to support Nutrient Optimization in Tennessee wastewater plants. Their website provides a host of free resources related to nutrient optimization and troubleshooting.

Contact Information

Jordan Fey | Program Consultant
(615) 306-3494

Location Information

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CST

Fleming Training Center
2022 Blanton Dr.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129