Asset Management Plan Grant

Division of Water Resources, State Water Infrastructure Grants Program

The State Water Infrastructure Grants Program is not currently accepting applications. However, the information below can be referenced for submitting future applications and necessary supporting documentation.

Notice: TDEC is currently in the process of finalizing the grant solicitation. This includes updating the grant manual and timeline.

An asset management plan (AMP) is critical to effectively managing water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. As defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asset management is the practice of managing infrastructure capital assets to minimize the total cost of owning and operating them while delivering the service level customers need. The water sector has widely adopted this management framework to pursue and achieve sustainable infrastructure. Although utility owners and operators build AMPs specific to their system, the foundation of this process is the same. Without a proper AMP, utilities can struggle to maintain compliance with state and federal regulations, secure adequate funding for capital improvements, and address customer needs. A proper AMP strongly supports a utility’s technical, managerial, and financial (TMF) capacity, establishes a prioritized list of asset replacement needs, and enables a system to provide safe, reliable drinking water, wastewater, or stormwater services. Well-developed plans for asset management can improve service, reliability, and regulatory compliance, reduce risk and unexpected costs, and enhance communication with customers and stakeholders. These plans also help budget for ongoing maintenance while strategically planning for asset renewal, growth, and capacity expansion.

In 2022, the Division of Water Resources (DWR) convened a group of public and private partners to develop an AMP guide. State Water Infrastructure Grants, State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water program, Engineering Services programs in DWR, and the Tennessee Association of Utility Districts (TAUD) and KCI Technologies contributed to the guide. Through this working group, DWR has considered the aspects of planning needs across our drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, regulatory expectations, and requirements for our grants and loan programs in developing this document. DWR aims to increase consistency across the state for water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure planning documents.
DWR’s funding assistance programs are offering this grant opportunity. The State Revolving Fund (SRF) and the State Water Infrastructure Grants (SWIG) program have shared resources to establish a pool of funds to provide water systems to complete AMPs.

This funding aims to assist entities working to meet the basic AMP components and designed to meet minimum criteria for TDEC's Water Infrastructure Investment Plan (WIIP) American Rescue Plan (ARP) grants and AMP requirements for SRF loans.

Eligible grant entities will complete a grant application within SWIG’s Grants Management System (GMS). The grant application will establish the items needed for a complete application. All grant applications must be submitted by the announced deadline.

  • The Asset Management Plan Grant Manual is currently being updated to reflect the new grant timelines and solicitation dates.

Eligible grant applicants include cities, counties, utility districts, and water authorities that own or operate a public water system. Grant applicants are responsible for grant oversight and monitoring of activities. Grant applicants are also responsible for submitting progress updates as requested by SWIG and managing the grant contract scopes of services.

Grant applicants can apply for AMP planning grants to develop, update, or expand an AMP and create a capital improvement plan focusing on funding the repair or replacement of a utility's most critical needs. The plan must adhere to the Division of Water Resources’ (DWR) AMP guide’s minimum requirements. Grant applications can be submitted for drinking water programs (DW), wastewater (WW), and/or stormwater (SW) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) programs. Applicants can combine wastewater and stormwater requests into one grant. However, drinking water requests may not be combined with any other system and must be submitted as a separate grant. Projects may be completed by existing utility staff or completed using third parties. Grantees contracting for services must follow proper procurement procedures in compliance with federal guidance.

When developing or updating an AMP, entities must meet the minimum framework elements of DWR’s AMP guide. This AMP guide outlines the components of the TDEC AMP program's basic AMP. This guide includes companionTennessee Asset Management templates in Microsoft Excel workbooks. These are designed to help users assemble the minimum required data and information to build a comprehensive AMP. These workbooks will assist entities in identifying the criticality and potential improved needs of their drinking water, wastewater, and/or stormwater assets.

SWIG anticipates awarding up to twenty AMP grants in SFY 2024. Grant award maximums are $250,000 per applicant. Grant applicants must consider proposal budget maximums and match requirements when developing and submitting proposals. A proposal’s total project budget is the sum of the grant award and match. Match will be applied to the total project budget for each reimbursement request.

Match is required for all AMP grants. Each recipient is anticipated to contribute a match ranging between 15% and 25% of the total project cost. Match amounts are based on the 2022 Ability To Pay Index (ATPI) for the project area served (city or county scale).

  • The anticipated timeline for this grant offering is currently being revised and will be published at a later date.

No workshops have been scheduled yet. Please check back here for updates.

Seth McCormick
(615) 981-4839

This Page Last Updated: February 1, 2024 at 5:10 PM