TNPOP Professional Training Materials

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Here you will find recorded webinars as well as presentations on topics related to plant and system optimization, including general introductions to energy efficiency, nutrient optimization, and non-revenue water as well as more in-depth courses.

Click on a topic below to see more information.


This filmed training with Grant Weaver of Clean Water Ops provides an overview of Nutrient Reduction, generally, for wastewater treatment plant operators.

This filmed training with Grant Weaver of Clean Water Ops provides discussion of techniques to achieve Nitrogen removal at wastewater treatment plants.

This training provides the theory of biological nitrogen removal from ammonia oxidation through nitrate removal as well as practical tips and troubleshooting information from the operator's perspective. The training is applicable to all wastewater plants that use biological treatment and activated sludge process. Examples from various Tennessee plants are provided.

(Brett Ward, University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS))

Discussion of the Bio-Tiger model for wastewater treatment plants. Based on kinetic equations, the model allows operators to consider different operating scenarios for optimization.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) sponsored this free webinar.

(Dr. Larry Moore, Professor Emeritus, University of Memphis)

Bio-Tiger Model

Filmed Webinar

Bio-Tiger Model User Manual

(For questions regarding the model or user’s manual, please contact Dr. Larry Moore / (901) 678-3278)

The Bio-Tiger model was developed to simulate activated sludge processes. Dr. Moore has used this model to analyze over 100 activated sludge processes throughout the U.S. This model assists operators in making process decisions to optimize the activated sludge process, achieve energy savings via aeration system control, and improve effluent quality.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Introduction to Activated Sludge Biokinetics and the Bio-Tiger Model

Case Study Using Bio-Tiger Model

Bio-Tiger Model

Bio-Tiger Model User's Manual

(For questions regarding the model or user’s manual, please contact Dr. Larry Moore / (901) 678-3278)

The discharge of Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) in a wastewater treatment plant effluent or in Biosolids is an area where facilities can save energy and money, improve effluent quality, reduce total nitrogen discharges, increase the biosolids agronomic loading rate, and in some cases prevent low effluent pH situations or reduce chemical requirements. In the energy saving area the discharge of nitrate is the “low hanging fruit” which can reduce oxygen requirements in the activated sludge process 10% to 20% via denitrification. This presentation describes the requirements for denitrification and how other operators have modified their plant.

Filmed Video Training

Denitrification in Activated Sludge Processes

Notations for Activated Sludge

(For questions regarding the model or user’s manual, please contact Dr. Larry Moore / (901) 678-3278)


Aerobic digestion of waste sludge is used to oxidize and destroy volatile solids, to achieve some pathogen destruction, and to prepare the sludge for further processing and final disposal. Dr. Moore will discuss the theory of aerobic digestion, the specific calculations for determining oxygen requirements, and how to optimize the use of aeration equipment to achieve excellent aerobic digestion and to save energy. Case studies will be presented.

Aerobic Digestion of Sludge

(Dr. Larry Moore, Professor Emeritus, University of Memphis)

This filmed training with Grant Weaver of Clean Water Ops discusses strategies and techniques for phosphorous removal at wastewater treatment plants.

This training provides the theory of biological phosphorous removal as well as practical tips and troubleshooting information from the operator’s perspective. This training is applicable to all wastewater plants that use biological treatment and activated sludge process.

Introduction to Phosphorus Removal

Operator Guidance for Biological Removal of Phosphorus in Municipal Wastewater

(Brett Ward, University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS))


Session 1 - February 3, 2021
Introduction/Overview - What an operator needs to know about the science and technology of biological nitrogen removal.
- PDF of Powerpoint slides for Webinar #1
 Recording of Webinar #1

Session 2 - February 10, 2021
Introduction/Overview - What an operator needs to know about the science and technology of biological phosphorus removal.
- PDF of Powerpoint slides for Webinar #2
- Recording for Webinar #2

Session 3 - February 17, 2021
Case Studies and Review: lessons learned during first two sessions followed by illustrations of optimization efforts/opportunities/results achieved at municipal WWTPs across the US.
- PDF of slides for Webinar #3
- Recording of Webinar #3

Session 4 - February 24, 2021
Case study discussions of oxidation ditch WWTPs that have optimized phosphorus removal – what, why, how.
-PDF of slides for Webinar #4
Recording of Webinar #4

Session 5- March 3, 2021
Case study discussions of SBR WWTPs that have optimized phosphorus removal – what, why, how.
- PDF of slides for Webinar #5
Recording of Webinar #5

Session 6 - March 10, 2021
Case study discussions of conventional activated sludge WWTPS that have optimized phosphorus removal – what, why, how
- PDF of slides for Webinar #6
- Recording of Webinar #6

Session 7 -March 17, 2021
Brainstorming Nutrient Optimization Opportunities with Tennessee Volunteers
- PDF of slides for Webinar #7
- Recording of Webinar #7

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Discussion of the benefits of undergoing energy efficiency audits, including case studies in Tennessee and provide tools and guidelines for performing an audit at your facility.

(Bob Freeman, Soft Path Environmental (formerly EPA))

Introduction to Energy Optimization and Assessments


Review basic guidelines and tips for water and wastewater operator to begin achieving energy efficiency through operational changes.

(Guidelines developed by Brett Ward, University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)).

Operators Guidelines for Energy Efficiency

How to read your electric bill and how to capture and message your energy savings to facility management and local government. Also covered is how plant operations have an impact on the rates charged to the utility. For example, the time of day when blowers are turned off or on can have a significant impact on not just plant performance, but also the demand charge seen on the bill.

(Brett Ward, University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS))

Reading and Understanding Electric Bills

Detailed Energy Bill Example


Discussion on low-to-no-cost measures to take at your facility to reduce energy use and achieve energy savings. Case studies from facilities in Tennessee will be discussed.

(Bob Freeman, TDEC Energy Management Team (formerly EPA))

No-to-Low-Cost Energy Saving Measures

Speaker Notes Coming Soom


This filmed training by Brendan Held of EPA, discusses how to utilize the Energy Assessment Tool (EAT). The EAT, developed by EPA, can be used by operators to benchmark and track long-term energy use and savings after recommendations are implemented.

The Energy Assessment Tool (EAT), developed by EPA, can be used by operators to benchmark and track long-term energy use and savings after recommendations are implemented. The EAT is designed to help wastewater operators establish an energy efficiency baseline and track long-term savings that occur as a result of a specific change in operations. There are tabs within the excel file for both FEAT and BEAT. The FEAT normalizes efficiency using flow (kWh/MG) and the BEAT uses BOD removal (kWh/lb BOD). A facility should choose the tab it uses based on influent characteristics or other considerations.

Energy Optimization – Benchmarking and Tracking for Case Studies

Measuring Energy Savings - Energy Assessment Tool (Presentation)

Information on easy, low cost measures to take at your facility to reduce energy use.

Energy Assessments - The Process, Benefits, Funding and Savings

(Lonnie Russell, Energy Man, LLC)

How to find pump energy savings in wastewater treatment plants.  Brief introduction to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT), a free online software tool to help industrial users assess the efficiency of pumping system operations.

Savings with Pump Efficiencies

(Jim Grassiano, P.E., Alabama Department of Environmental Management)

The presentation includes a description of the physical and operating characteristics of the three types of blowers most often used in wastewater treatment along with common errors made in the proper application of these blowers and methods to optimize energy usage in the operation of these blowers.

What Operators Need to Know About Blowers

(Kevin Young, J.R. Wauford & Company)