Meet the SBEAP Team
The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) team is here to help small businesses with any environmental question that small businesses may have. Whether it is a general question about what permits are required for your business to the more complex assistance needed for completing a permit application, the SBEAP team is ready to help businesses understand and comply with the environmental rules that affect them. The Technical Assistance team consists of Donovan Grimwood and Crystal Warren.
If you have questions for the SBEAP, please contact us:
Call us at: 800-734-3619

Crystal Warren is the Small Business Environmental Outreach and Education Specialist for the program. She joined the SBEAP in 2021 following 10 years with the Division of Water Resources. As such, she has quickly become the go-to person for technical questions relating to water. Outside of her TDEC career, she is also a yoga instructor in the Memphis area.
Crystal Warren
Program Manager in OSP
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Donovan Grimwood is the Small Business Environmental Ombudsman for TN. He has been with the SBEAP since 1999 and has been the Ombudsman since 2014. In addition to being the Ombudsman, he is also active in the National Steering Committee (NSC) of the SBEAPs. He is currently the Chair of the NSC. Outside of his career with TDEC, he is a volunteer instructor in the sport of fencing with Nashville Community Education.
Donovan Grimwood
SBEAP Ombudsman
Email Donovan
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Ginna McWhirter is the Small Business education and outreach specialist for the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP). Her focus with the program is to connect with small business organizations across Tennessee. Ginna has worked for TDEC since 2020 and worked
in the Divisions of Water Resources and Solid Waste Management. She attended Rollins College in Florida and has her degree in Marine Biology. Outside of TDEC, Ginna enjoys visiting Tennessee’s State Parks with her husband.
Ginna McWhirter
SBEAP Outreach and Education
Email Ginna
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