Lead Hazard Reduction Program
Lead Hazard Reduction Program
Lead is a toxic metal used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Although lead-based paint was banned for use in residential structures in 1978, deterioration of old buildings, remodeling and renovation of older houses, and lead in dust and soil result in a continuing health threat — especially for young children.
TDEC's Toxic Substances Program administers several programs to reduce the risk of lead exposure.
On September 26, 2000, the State of Tennessee Lead-Based Paint Abatement Rule became effective for activities conducted in “target housing” and “child occupied facilities”. The Toxic Substances Program certifies lead professionals, provides accreditation for the proper training programs, and provides work practice standards for conducting lead-based paint abatement activities.
Professionals working with lead-based paint in "target housing" and "child-occupied facilities" must be trained and certified to ensure that they follow lead-safe work practices to protect citizens and the environment.
The Toxic Substances Program monitors the compliance of contractors and workers conducting lead abatement projects in target residential dwellings and child occupied facilities built prior to 1978. A Lead-Based Paint Compliance Notebook is provided to assist lead-based paint certified supervisors, project designers and firms who conduct lead abatement activities in target housing and child-occupied facilities within the state.
Common renovation activities can create hazardous lead dust and chips by disturbing lead-based paint. The U.S. EPA requires contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 to be certified and follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. Let us help you learn more about this federal program.
The Toxic Substances Program collaborates with the Department of Health to identify the source of lead exposure for children with elevated blood-lead levels. As part of the Elevated Blood-Lead Levels (EBLL) Investigations risk assessment report, actions families can take to reduce the child’s risk of lead exposure are outlined. Learn more about Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention.
NOTICE! A Tennessee contractor's license is required BEFORE bidding or offering a price! Reciprocal agreements do NOT allow using another state's license. (Note: Must bid/contract in exact name as licensed!)
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Contacts |
Adrianne White |
This Page Last Updated: September 12, 2024 at 11:49 AM